Hoochie Leader Question

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
I have read that useing a heavier test leader will give more action to the hoochie from the dodger. What test do you use? Also, when attaching to the dodger, what method do you use..a loop knot, duo-lock snaps, barrel swivel, or tie directly to the dodger? Does one over the other give the hoochie better action in your opinion?
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I just use shorter leader over heavier to get more action. That and bend the crap out of your dodger.
Great question for which I have no answer. I use a loop for squids and a barrel swivel and duo-lock for spoons. Sockeyeslayer, Halojim ???? What do you guys do ???
Yes a heavier lb test will give you a better action because it is stiffer and the dodger will whip it around better. the length does make a difference. the shorter the leader, the more action. but start about twelve inches from the dodger and let the fish tell you what they want. then go shorter from there. don't use a swivel at all, use a loop knot so you can take the squid off and on the dodger with ease.
I use 15lb to 17lb P-line with a barrel swivel. I know it helps with the action. I will also change leader length till I find what the fish want. hope this helps
With the small hoochie rigs I'd agree with SuperD about leader length making a bigger difference on action. I normally run 8-10lb. leader with 18 lb mainline. It's cheaper to replace a lure than the whole dodger assembly. As for connecting the leader to the dodger that's like asking "blonde or brunette".
I just use shorter leader over heavier to get more action. That and bend the crap out of your dodger.

I use a little heavier leader too. Bending the dodgers works well ,but a word of caution about bending. Personally I think that you can bend your dodger to much. This can cause such a erratic action,that it can scare timid fish away.One sure fire way to change your action is to change your speed.
I have to agree with propnut69 on bending dodgers to much; I have bent them on both ends on one set up and left then alone on the other and did alot better (3to1) I use 10LB leader with a loop knop and 15 above the dodger
10lb leader with loop knot and the length will vary as others said. I like the "slight" bend in my dodgers for extra kick. Excellent terminal tackle tutorials. thumbsup

Heres another vote for a simple loop knot. I use a loop for hoochies, apexes, spoons, and just about everything else. The dodgers I use have excellent swivels built in, so there is plenty of twist control. Loops are fast, simple, and effective.
I stated above about using Duo locks. I use just one to my main line and then loop notts on everything else after that. I dont bend my dodgers. I just weave and change direstions which changes everything becasue of speed.

That and I cant find my beer so the boat does what it wants while I am looking for it of getting another!laugh hyst
So, are you guys saying that you don't use a swivel at the top of the leader even with lures that rotate? What about line twist?
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I like to use 10 lb Maxima and a short leader. Instead of using different leader lengths I change between dodgers styles and sizes to to impart different actions to the hoochie. If I am in a hurry I'll use a loop knot, if not I like use a barrel swivel at the top.
So, are yu guys saying that you don't use a swivel at the top of the leader even with lures that rotate? What about line twist?

I think swivel's are a must for line twist, but if your attaching to a dodger, most dodgers have a barrel swivel on each end. I was curious if useing a swivel on the end of hoochie leader and attaching to a dodger with a swivel built in (thus having two swivel's) would affect the action of the hoochie in a negative way.Also, I wondered if by useing a duo-lock, they might have too much movement when attached to the swivel on the dodger, and not give the hoochie the required action. I have mainly used Apex's over the years, and use barrel swivel's on their leaders. I figured with their action, a extra swivel can't hurt.
I think swivel's are a must for line twist, but if your attaching to a dodger, most dodgers have a barrel swivel on each end. I was curious if useing a swivel on the end of hoochie leader and attaching to a dodger with a swivel built in (thus having two swivel's) would affect the action of the hoochie in a negative way.Also, I wondered if by useing a duo-lock, they might have too much movement when attached to the swivel on the dodger, and not give the hoochie the required action. I have mainly used Apex's over the years, and use barrel swivel's on their leaders. I figured with their action, a extra swivel can't hurt.

I'm gonna be honest here, so don't get out the flame throwers!violin
I've never caught a kokanee with a straight hoochie.:eek: Now don't get me wrong, I've caught hundreds of koks over the years, mainly with apex's. Straight hoochies...nada. That is the reason for this thread. I have alot of hoochies made up with duo-lock's on the leaders with 8lb test mono, and wondered if that was the problem. Most are made up with 8-10" leaders. I'll try bending the dodger's a little more for the 1.2-1.4 mph I usually troll. and experiment with your other idea's. Thanks for all your suggestions, this year I plan to give them more water time. thumbsup
My general rule of thumb that some one taught me was 2-3 dodger lengths behind. So depending upon what brand of dodger you are using that is usually 8-12" I would say that with the Crystal Basin wild thing and the seps side kick I would not go 2-6 inches more like the 8-12" and you will find the sweet spot. Also I change leader length as the season goes on just as I change dodger size as the season goes on. I happen to get shorter leaders as the season starts closing and start with longer at the beginning of the season. I personally use loop knots on every thing. Dodgers have swivels built in to them no need to double up.


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