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  1. hastizy

    Fish Finder Advice

    That same fishfinder is on Amazon for $345
  2. hastizy

    Fish Finder Advice

    I found a Lowrance Elite 5 which is color and has chartplotter GPS. Most places are selling them for $540 to $580 but has them on sale for $430. Sounds like too good-a-deal to pass up...tooexcited
  3. hastizy

    Fish Finder Advice

    I would like to have color and MPH atleast. Although it looks like color may be out...
  4. hastizy

    Fish Finder Advice

    just bought my 1st boat. I am looking for a fishfinder, I have about $400 to spend. Whats the best bang for my buck?
  5. hastizy

    Meet, Great, & Eat at Gorge

    you robbed Super D's fish and took pics with em. Nice fish Super D!
  6. hastizy

    Meet, Great, & Eat at Gorge

    Wow! I've been hearing about this meet and greet for some time and all the pics I can see are of peope and food. Where's all the fish pics. I hear some old mans wife caught a 5lb koke yet there is no pic? I know he had a camera. (coughbduckcough) With no pic you are a truly a fisherman/liar! hahaha