2 days, 3 lakes, and my Dad

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Kokanee Kid

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2009
Puyallup, Wa.
thumbsupSo my plan to fish the salt for a few days fell apart 3 day's before I was supposed to go. So first thing I did was call my dad to see if he wanted to come fish with his grandson and I. No hesitation! The funny part is I did not tell my son of the change in plans. So when there was a knock at the door 5:30am Sunday, I asked my kid to get the door. And he was shocked to see grandpa!! We headed out to get some kokes, and planing on a short day with the heat wave and all. It took a little bit to get a pattern figured out, but when we did we did good. At times we could not keep 2 rod's fishing, but not one double? We ended up keeping 10(yes there is 9 in the pic, and 1 in the sink), releasing 5 and missing about 8, and were off the water about 10:30. And my Dad caught a nice 14.25" kokanee too!

Day 2:

We head south to ward lake to find there has been a algae bloom, and the water looks stained. I tell the crew we are here to fish! It did not take long to get on fish, and it was fast and furious! In a hour I lost count of how many we losted or missed. But after landing 10 kokes, I pulled the gear. Told my dad we could continue this, or go to another lake to try for bigger kokes. He wanted bigger, so off to summit! We arrive to find a little wind and head out anyway. We did not get to fish long because the wind picked up and made fishing very hard. But before we quit we did release 4 trout and my dad caught a nice 13" kokanee thumbsup

My son and I had a great time getting to hang with my dad for a few days. I think he may be a koke addict now 101ok101
Man sounds like a good few days. I plan on fishing next week starting wensday for about 5 days before im off to hawaii to get married. Got love time spent with family. Nothing more important

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