2014 Green Peter Derby

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Oregon Forum MODERATOR
Mar 5, 2009
Silverton, Oregon
July 12 and the Green Peter Derby are fast approaching. This year we are pleased to announce Vance Staplin will be attending so make sure you spend some time with him talking kokanee and latest tackle trends.

This is the last week to take advantage of the $10 per team member discount. Get your entry from our website and mail to PO Box 668 Silverton, OR 97381 or scan and email it to [email protected]
You may have missed out on the $10 per person discount that ended on Friday, but get your entry postmarked by this Friday and you can still get a $5 per person discount.
For those of you that will be participating in this derby for the first time, the weigh-in area is on the south end of the dam in the day use area parking lot.

It's best to motor your boat down to the weigh-in area, weigh your fish, then go back and load your boat up and head for Sunnyside Park at Foster. Even if you are the last person in line to weigh, you still have plenty of time to get to Sunnyside before the weigh-in crew packs up and gets down there.

There is very limited parking in the day use area and if several people pull their boats down to weigh-in it would be a real mess.

Weigh-in starts at 1pm and you must be in line at 2pm or you will not be allowed to weigh-in.
Dave, do you have a map you can post of that location also where the lunch will be at sunnyside most of us know and you can usually see the banners but it would be nice for people that aren't sure, also if fishing the other end of the lake make sure you set a side time to get to the dam it is further and takes longer than you think especially if the wind and chop picks up but so far the forecast looks great for Saturday thumbsup. dfly
The location for the awards/lunch is at Sunnyside Park on the West end of Foster Reservoir. Enter the park and head for the boat launch area. On the right you will see a shelter with our banners and signs hanging. There is a small parking lot next to the shelter but most pull into the large field across the road.

If you don't have a digital scale I suggest you get one before derby time. The most accurate I have found is the kitchen type, not the type you hang your fish from. I use a smoker rack to put on the scales, zero it out and then add the fish. The difference between 1st and 10th will be very close.

Also, make sure you know how to tell a kokanee and a Chinook apart. Mainly it is the mouth color and the difference in the gill rakes. The gill rakes on a kokanee are much closer together than a Chinook, it is easy to spot if you compare the two.
defiantly get the kitchen scale the hanging ones measure in oz. and not 10th of an oz. like the kitchen scale. last years top 5 place winners fish were
1st 2.838
2nd 2.816
3rd 2.805
4th 2.783
5th 2.783
that is a difference of only .055 oz. between 1st and 5th place and 25 fish, so every 10th of an oz. counts, which makes this tournament so much fun and any one can win and have a great time. dfly
Here are the results!

KPO would like to extend our appreciation to all the contestants and volunteers that made the Green Peter Derby a great success. The support and participation by all those involved make it possible for us to do the things we do and continue to hold derbies.

While the fish were small it appeared that everyone had a real good time. The smaller fish size seemed to heighten the competition to find where in the lake the bigger fish were, how deep they were and what they would bite on. From the weights it looks like everyone had it dialed in pretty well. There were 23 teams entered and 21 weighed in. The top five fish weight was 101 grams or 2.222 pounds. Tenth place came in at 89.50 grams which equals 1.969 pounds. A difference of only .253 pounds, just over 4 ounces.

Vance Stamplin was the MC at the awards presentation and did a great job.

Here are the top ten finishers with their weights in pounds. You will notice that there were two ties. Ties are settled by the length of the teams longest fish. The longest of all the fish weighed in was 14 inches.

1. Curtis Hyde/Kevin Anderson 2.222

2. David & Laura Martin 2.167

3. Ken & Dawnell Espersen (The Parkdale Posse) 2.167

4. Scott Child 2.134

5. Ryan Bennett/Roy Elliott (Finding Nemo) 2.112

6. Richard Bryan/Brad Hallack/Ryan Atkinson (Beaver State Salmon Slayers) 2.035

7. Martin Monsey/Ray Morgan 2.013

8. Billy & Chris Bass (Kokanee Hunters) 2.013

9. Dennis Sucamele/Chuck Wilcox 2.002

10. John Stevenson/Shelly Stevenson/Rory Fitzgerald 1.969
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Junior Division Results

A big and important part of all of the KPO derbies is the Junior Division competition. We had 11 juniors this year which is up from the 8 that competed last year. The juniors weigh in two fish and if there are any ties they are broken by the length of the longest fish.

1. Shawn Child
2. Preston Howard
3. Carson Hyde
4. Finnley Worden
5. Nicholas Anderson
6. Carol Bryan
7. Wyatt Baker
8. Alex Currey
9. Allison Lanctot
10. Trenton Worden
11. Damian Rash
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