2017 Detroit Fishing Report

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Oregon Forum MODERATOR
Mar 5, 2009
Silverton, Oregon
Most current update is that the Mongold upper ramps are now open but the lake has risen so fast that the fishing is horrible. It's going to take a week or two for it to stabilize.

On another note, the regulations have been changed and from what I understand you can no longer retain Chinook regardless of size.

Here is a reply that another fisherman received when he asked ODFW about the reg change.

There was a change made last year in Detroit Reservoir removing the language that salmon under 24 inches are considered trout. The purpose was two fold, one to further simplify the angling regulations and two to reduce the harvest of migrating Chinook smolts through the reservoir. The harvest of Chinook smolt was of particular concern to the Army Corps of Engineers who are responsible for funding the hatchery programs.

So there is no more fishing for salmon at Detroit Reservoir.



On the Chinook at Detroit, we targeted back in the late 2008. There's no Fish latter's on the dam,these were all stock fingerlin Then. THEY also done the same to green Peter res at that time period. These were stocked Springer. I can't see were these Fish are migrating through
Downstream on the Santiam ODFW build a trap facility, the returning Chinook are captured there and then trucked above the dam.

Thanks for the followup that explained why the smolt in the lake. The big but, her they ODFW are saying no Chinook can be keep under 24 inches but all Chinook includes are all illegal to have in position. I just had a friend get off the phone with powers to be. So better know your species if it got a black mouth or spots.

Well takes care of that,I haven't fish the Res in a lot of years since I moved to the Coast. We did lower the land lock Chinook Population when we targeted them. Good luck on your quest.
Well takes care of that,I haven't fish the Res in a lot of years since I moved to the Coast. We did lower the land lock Chinook Population when we targeted them. Good luck on your quest.

Not really sure what the heck the purpose of putting Chinook into the lake is if you aren't able to keep them doesn't make much sense
Lund troller/chinook

Back in the day 2005 or so are ODFW attempted to establish a chinook fishery,stocking 50,000 smolt at green peter/ detroit res. For mumerous years, these were springer salmon smolt. The stock didn't reproduce as exspected. We fished back then putting fish closr 10# in the box. I also been reading this new process on the regulation makes no sence necause the regulation state there consider a trout under a specfic size. I reread the regulation yesterday. I thought it was a great idea to have something in the res instead of 10" stockers. Hope this helps alittle.