2024 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing

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Fisrt Time Out in 2024

We will be heading to Lucky Peak today 4.20.24. Just uncovered the boat from Winter and will try to get some Kokes today. This will be a boat "shake down" run to make sure all is running well and to confirm that we have everything in the boat for the Season. I'll let ya'll know how we do after the trip.
May 21, Nice boat ride.

Fished from 8 am to noon up and down reservoir from Spring Shores. The water temp was 55 degrees at the surface so we just long lined. Didn't see many fish on the finder. Fished with spin-n-glows, spinners, and hoochies. Green, red, white, orange. 1 small trout that was turned back was it for the day.

Launched from Spring shores at sunrise and fished till about 1230. Marked alot of fish at 65ft caught 8 kokes around 25'-35' even with water Temps around 58F. Pink and copper dodger with a pink/red kokabug was the hot setup for the day. Mostly small fish.

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