A Berryessa video... with an underwater perspective

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2008
San Mateo, Ca.
This isn't a new fishing report but some more unreleased video I finally got around to processing, this time from September 19, 2010. It combines our above water fun and the underwater video portion which everyone seems to enjoy and understand how our favorite fish behaves at the lure level. The underwater portion starts about 3:30 minutes into the adventure. I was lucky at Berryessa in September that the thermocline was not as deep as some years and that the fish were still at a depth of 80 to 100 feet that late in the season. This is at the edge of the cameras capabilities so excuse the graininess and low light conditions. It was some of the best multiple big fish video capture from 2010.

I refer to September as Vampire season where the fish are reaching full maturity and just like to attack things invading their space as is seen in the underwater portion. It was truly amazing how many hits and misses occurred before they could get hooked up, particularly those males with contorted jaws. Given the size of the fish we have seen this year it will be a repeat performance come September 2011.

Enjoy the show...courtesy of Youtube... you can set it to HD mode (720P) for a bit higher quality if you have a good connection.


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Great video, HiTech! It's interesting to see how the school reacts to the lure, how they seem to coast along with the setup, making their mind up about whether to strike or not. It seemed like a very relaxed attitude on the fishes' part. What is that rotating gizmo on the back of your snubber? Looks like an old 2-bladed prop!
Hey Monte - looks like I forgot to edit out my secret weapon in the video, :)

Nah...no secret there... Those are Diamond Dees Flashers that I like to attach to the ball or sometimes inline with the snap and clip. They are a slow turning flasher with some other interesting properties. Sometimes the fish can get more interested in the flashers than the lure but I would rather attract them than repel them. They didn't seem like they had that much affect in this situation.

When are you going out next? I'll be at Berryessa or the ocean next weekend I think.

Great footage HTK...thanks for sharing! That was interesting seeing that many fish all at the same moment. I was scrathing my head trying to figure out what the rotating prop was also. I've got a couple diamond dee's but have never used them...might have to give them a try sometime.
Definitely check out the Diamond Dees, they advertise to use them in-line with your gear which I'm sure will work. Us Kalyfornians seem to be adverse to having flashers inline so we put them on the ball.

HiTechKoke, I picked up an underwater camera system recently with a Walker downrigger. I have yet to find much info on the set up for camera, weights, release to get the same footage with dodgers and lures trailing the lens. I would appreciate any help you could give. Picture or diagram if possible sent by PM would help. Thanks ahead of reply, hope to hear from you soon.
Great videos HTK...I too was a little surprised that the take was not more aggressive. Those were some beautiful kokes you and your daughter were getting! What an awesome experience forging life long memories and relationships together!awesomereport
HiTechKoke, I picked up an underwater camera system recently with a Walker downrigger. I have yet to find much info on the set up for camera, weights, release to get the same footage with dodgers and lures trailing the lens. I would appreciate any help you could give. Picture or diagram if possible sent by PM would help. Thanks ahead of reply, hope to hear from you soon.

Coincidentally that's my setup. It's a bit of an art to get everything setup just right bit You can use a Vance's style clip right above the camera and rubber band it to the top of the camera...near the lens. Then the trick is you can't load the rod very much otherwise it will lift your setup out of the picture. When it gets hit you have to reel like crazy to catch up. Setback is about a foot max ahead of the dodger but you can experiment based on visibility. I like it close to get the fish right up to the camera.

Great videos HTK...I too was a little surprised that the take was not more aggressive. Those were some beautiful kokes you and your daughter were getting! What an awesome experience forging life long memories and relationships together!awesomereport

Tks... The aggression varies over the season and what they are on the mood to do...either play or destroy something...there's a lot of play down there.

Great tips

Those are great tips that I will start with. This is one of the reasons I like this forum, people helping each other through trial and error findings, and sharing the "how to" with others. I appreciate the info and will start trying to do videos, because watching yours is another "can't wait for the next post" from you. Thanks much..
Those are great tips that I will start with. This is one of the reasons I like this forum, people helping each other through trial and error findings, and sharing the "how to" with others. I appreciate the info and will start trying to do videos, because watching yours is another "can't wait for the next post" from you. Thanks much..

No use taking secrets to the grave I like to say. I'll expect some monster Gorge style Kokanee videos coming our way soon. :)

Glad you liked the video, there's more on my Youtube channel but I always post the Kokanee videos here as well so you may have seen them.

new user

Great videos! Thanks. I just returned from New Melones, easy limits 30-40 ft. deep. I noticed that approx. 100,000 Kokes were planted in Folsom Lake last year. Has anyone fished for them yet? Thanks
You wold be a hero if you can pull a Koke out of Folsom as nobody has yet and they keep disappearing for some reason. A number of people have tried and thought they caught some but they turned out to be small Kings which led to proof of discovery of a natural spawn of Kings there as well. It hasn't been for lack of planting at Folsom for the last number of years. So give it a try as you never know. Make sure to keep your catch for the DFG if you get one.
