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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
After preperation of and launching my boat at the gorge yesterday, while waiting for my wife to return to the boat, the engine was in the warmup stages and I'm fumbling around puting some things together, I noticed water was filling up fast in the back of the boat. I knew the plug was in the back of the boat but when I opened the engine cowling(IO) I could see water coming in from 2 sources off of the engine. These 2 areas are from when I was at the gorge from the previous trip trying to support the AIS program and drain all water from the engine and bilge areas. The way the water was filling up, a disaster was avoided. If you do this, don't be a dumb a$$ like I was and forget these drain plugs. Sometimes it easy to get complacent. 101sweatinit101
Its Easy to do

I watched a guy and his son almost lose his boat by forgetting their plug while launching. This happen 2 years ago. They barely were able to get their trailer back from parking in time. Its easy to do when the mind is on the fun and off simple mechanics. It could happen to any of us. All you have to do is be in a hurry, be tired, or focused on something else, or a little aged,laugh hyst

Been their simlilary myself Roger. Just not in the water, Forgot to tighten the lug nuts on the front of a pick-up I no longer own, HMMM. Wheel fell of while going not going to fast. ( LUCKY ME) Its Easy to do, I guess!!!
Roger, I guess that's why they say, "no good deed goes unpunished." Did Michele catch you? Karen was there the one time I forgot to put the plug in and I'll never hear the end of it.
I guess that's one of the new things that's going to be on the "to-do" list of boat prep now to comply with the new regs. That's a good heads up and while I use an outboard I think you deserve a thanks for sharing this info to help others avoid a disaster.

My father often tells a story of an event that happened at a lake he was fishing where a gentleman had forgotten his drain plug. He got a little excited about the whole thing and tried to get the boat back on his trailer as quickly as he could once he realized what he had done. Unfortunately, his boat was so heavy with water by the time he got it trailered again that it caused the tounge to pop up off of the ball and he lost the boat and trailer and all down the steep boat ramp. Poor fella had to call in a scuba diver to recover his outfit. Gotta feel sorry for the guy but it's really hard not to laugh at least a little about the humor of all the excitement. I only hope that he too can now look back and laugh about it.

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