Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Oh what a lazy day. Spent all day kicked back in my lazy boy chair. My wife had a hard time trying to get me to move. But I wouldn't budge. I sat there watching all the classic war movies cyclopsing it too. I took 3 different naps leaned back in that chair. I finally got up about 4:30pm to burn some ribeye stakes on the grill. Had a couples of cold beers which insured that I was not coming out of that chair. Yesterday I was contemplating a trip up to Strawberry or over to the Gorge. But laziness won out. Now I feel fully rested enough to make my way into the bedroom(wife sound asleep) and turn on another classic and fall asleep permanently for the night. I don't see many days like this but if I get the opportunity, I will take advantage of it. How was your day?