American Lk 5/26 Lightning Strikes Twice

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May 12, 2010
Had the chance to fish American Lk with my good friend Ret Sgt Maj on Sunday, we fished out of my boat because RSM was getting his serviced and ready for our Sekiu trip in a few weeks . Now we both have our 2 rod endorsements, and RSM decided to fish one off the DR and one flatlined dropper style like we do at Grays Harbor for salmon, only kokanee sized, instead of stacking 2 rods on the DR. For some reason I chose to just fish one rod, lazy day I guess after fishing Saturday at Summit Lk with my daughter and her boyfriend, and 6 rods I decided to take it easy!!!
Riiiiiiiight, as the title of my thread states, little did I know lighting would strike twice in one day, especially with the season we've been having on American. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think it's been all that bad. As I have had the good fortune to land 1 no 2 of American's top prizes.... a 19" kokanee on 4/14, and 4/21, already this season and it's still only May dang lucky!!! But this past weekend lightning did strike twice, these 2 lightning bolts measured 18" and 18 1/2" respectively, talk about lucky, I consider myself dang stinking lucky!!!tooexcited
Didn't change anything from Saturdays outing, staying with whats been working for me, why change up right! My rig consisted of a single red size 2 Gamakatsu Split Shot/Drop Shot hook, 5 pink 5mm UV beads, a size 0 nickle UV coated French Blade, tied on my new favorite fluorocarbon leader material from my good friends at Blackwater International. Fished behind a plain nickle, UV coated 4/0 dodger tuned up with ball bearing swivels, thrown out 20 pulls back, vertically fished 50'-60' down, in 80'-90' of water. Gotta love it!!!
I'm sure I'll be seeing you all on the water now, good luck if you go,
Joe, simply put very nice you know I'm jealous. I hope I get one that nice again this year, got a few last year but those are some real nice fish. Now I have to try and beat it.
Joe, simply put very nice you know I'm jealous. I hope I get one that nice again this year, got a few last year but those are some real nice fish. Now I have to try and beat it.
I don't have a doubt in my mind that you can get one as big, if not bigger!!! There out there, and you know as well as I it just takes being out on the water doing what we like to do! Especially as much as you and your son fish together! But, hey thanks for the tip on Monday would not have gotten my limit if it wasn't for you brother!!! Here's a pic I took of your boat Monday morning just as the sun was coming up over the trees!!! I thought you'd like to have it!!!
See you out there,

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Joe, thanks for the picture I saved it. Yea my son in the past years has been hard to get out of bed in years past, seems this year he is up ready to go. I guess he is getting older and enjoys hanging with dad rather than mom. I finally broke him of the mommy boy syndrome heck yea!

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