Anybody try a large kwikfish for attraction in front of your offering for Kokanee?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2013
Western Wasington
Many folks are running things that were not originally intended for dodgers. (woblers, salmon spoons, etc).

Anybody ever used a large Kwikfish...or maybe a larger tomic plug in front of your offering?

Granted a kwikfish would not get the wide side to side movement. But, think if it had a rattle in a metallic color...may draw them in?
Then again, if your in a lake with predator fish it larger "fish shapped" kwickfish may scare them off.

Maybe a larger Tomic plug??? Hmmm.

Is any of this it fun to tinker with...Heck me anyways.

Just wonder if anybody else had thought of or actually tried this crazy idea. golucky

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SuperD brought it up on another thread I think. He also brought up using a lyman plug-- which I dont know but the side to side of a lyman is nice . It might just be a brilliant Idea. I going to re-paint a couple and find out. Your absolutely right its a kick to tinker with and make your own tackle.

Those wiggle warts would basically do the same thing...I was thinking larger Kwikfish or a large tomic plug. About the same size as a small dodger.

OR even a Mag Lip 3.5....that have a searching and darting action in addition to the wiggle. Maybe even one with a rattle for added attraction???

I'm going to take the hooks off of one or two of my salmon Plugs and give it a shot during an off bite. Never know....may be the ticket to get them back into the biting mood.

BTW the one with the added rubber legs. Did you try these? If so, how did they work?
BTW the one with the added rubber legs. Did you try these? If so, how did they work?

These are not mine. I saw them on the random pictures at the top of the forum page one night, it happens to be from Kokonut's "gallery". Hope he doesn't mind us taking a peek at his lures ;)

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