anyone want to fish the gorge with me next weekend?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2017
Northern Utah
My wife finally expressed she does not really want to go with me next weekend (May 2-29), so I am hoping to find someone who wants to go fill their limit of kokes and laker pups. We will be leaving Thursday and returning Tuesday with a reservation to stay at Lucerne campground in loop D, we have a Springbar tent with cots so expect to sleep well. I will be bringing a food sealer and our portable freezer that holds about 14 pounds of fillets. Our boat is a 20 foot Lund with all of the toys, I usually spend 8-10 hours on the water per day unless we get lucky early. Message me if you are available and wish to split costs for a great weekend of fishing. No smoking or drinking on the boat, I try not to curse but have been known to let a few words slip under my breath when losing a fish.