Boat name...

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2009
S.W. Idaho
i forgot to add this on my post below. so the boat i just purchased has the name "firefly #1" on the back. dont know what the hell it means so its coming off. i thought of a good one, but i dont think its too "socially" acceptable.....

"the koke whore"

a little much? ha ha ha.
That's too funny! I have the same problem of socially acceptable name I came up with. My wife doesn't give me much if any grief about me buying fishing gear but I always tell hear there are worse addictions to have. My saying is "it ain't coke and whores". Coke in my proposed name corresponds to the bad white powder and the addiction it causes, but still have to deal with having "whore" on your boat.

I haven't found a solution yet - any ideas??!