I thought I'd post my fish canning recipe to add something to the thread.
Don’s Fish Canning Recipe
16-Large Mouth Pint Jars, Lids and Rings
8 to 10-lbs Fish Filets or Skinned and Chopped Fish, Bone In
2-Tbs Bottled Water Per Pint
1/8-tsp. Canning Salt (Do not over salt)
½-tsp Lemon Pepper
Pinch Dill
Pinch Garlic Powder
1-Tbs Catalina Dressing
1-Yellow Chili Pepper
3-Quarts Hot Water
1-Tbs. Vinegar (Add to water bath)
Wash up to 16 jars and rings and new lids. Place on clean towel.
Add bottom rack to pressure cooker with 3 quarts hot water.
Add 1-tablespoon vinegar to cooker to prevent jar staining.
Add water, salt, lemon pepper, dill, garlic, and Catalina to jars and mix.
Defrost fish and cut up with kitchen shears in 2” pieces.
Loosely pack fish in jars to one inch of lid to allow seasoning to move.
Add one yellow chili pepper.
Center lids and place rings on bottles, firmly finger tight.
First row of bottles must be placed on a rack in the pressure cooker.
2nd row of bottles should be offset from first row for even heating.
Secure pressure cooker lid with out pressure valve weight.
When steam is flowing freely from pressure valve add weight.
The above step will allow pop up pressure valve to rise and lock
Bring Pressure Cooker to 13 Pounds And Maintain Constant 13 Pound Pressure For 100 Minutes. Cooker Must Be Checked Every Few Minutes, As The Pressure Will Change With Interior Bottle Heat.
Total canning times will vary with amounts and experience.
Allow: 30 Minutes Thaw Time For Fish
30 Minutes Bottling Time
30 Minutes To Pressure Up Canner
100 Minutes Cooking Time
60 Minutes Cool Down Time (Do Not Open Lid Or
Disturb Canner Valves During Cool Down Period.)
8 Hrs. For 2 Batches