Custom Boat Enclosures

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
This is the time of year where a lot of us start getting to enjoy fall fishing. One of the biggest issues we all face is getting the enclosure for our boats to snap together. Cooler temps just about make that impossible with the shrinkage of the vinyl window curtains we have. Since buying this boat I have now, its enclosure didn't fit unless it was forced stretched to be snapped into position. I even have some of the vinyl that tore at the snaps or pull completely out. I took my boat to a guy who has making custom enclosures from his home for 35yrs to get an estimate on a new enclosure. I was looking at a $3500 bill which is about right and inline with a couple of estimates too. But this seamstress told me there is nothing wrong with current one only needing stretched to fit. A common problem most boaters face. I'm glad he convinced me to keep the money and not purchase a new custom made enclosure. I found this site that will save me, a $100 bill vs $3500. Watch the short video on extend a zipper of the link I am posting. This is a very clean way of making your enclosure look like a pro done it and only take a few minutes to apply. BTW, those shops where I had gotten estimates did not mention anything on this simple repair and only one guy told me there is nothing wrong with my enclosure. I'm making the plunge for this repair.
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That is a great solution to getting more years out of your boat enclosure. I noticed my sides were getting a little tough to zip this summer so I will probably be in the market for some of these zippers in the near future. Let me know if they work as well as advertised.
Warm weather has allowed mine to stretch into position. As soon as it gets cold the vinyl will shrink, get more rigid and less pliable. I'll post on the results

I just ordered a couple for my boat, my top is really hard to snap when the temps get into the teens...I really hope they work, but I'd rather not test them in those temps for several more weeks. 3:)
I just ordered a couple for my boat, my top is really hard to snap when the temps get into the teens...I really hope they work, but I'd rather not test them in those temps for several more weeks. 3:)

Ordered mine on Monday. Like you I feel very hopeful these will do the trick. Everything snaps together right now but looking fwd to see if they function as advertise in cold temps. Using the snap tool to stretch the vinyl has me wondering how much more stretch the vinyl can take without ripping apart. We could see plummeting temps at the end of Oct at Bear L.
The good news is the snail must have caught a ride on a Hare, my order extend a zipper came in already after being ordered Monday morning. The bad news is they sent wrong item. :confused: After making phone contact with owner and describing what was sent, she verified wrong item. She is re-mailing correct item along with a shipping label to send other item back. She was very apologetic over this issue and offered to overnight it. I let her off the hook that priority mail is fine like I paid for. I wonder if that same Hare is running the route? 101smily101
When my curtains shrink in the cold they shrink in all directions. I can visualize how the extend zipper helps in the up and down direction but not in the left to right direction. The biggest PITA to snap is having to pull both down and to one side at the same time. Roger, when the right item arrives, lets do a cold day driveway test.
New boat top, side curtains, and backdrop

After 25 years my side curtains shrink and teared off in many placed, the top was OK but I decided to have a new top which is 3" taller and extended 8" to the back. I took the boat to The Covershop in Meridian for estimate. They quoted for the total of $882.** that included material and labor. Used exiting tubing frame.
I just took the boat home yesterday. They sure did very nice job. My wife really like the backdrop so she can go fishing in early Spring and late Fall.


Next project is to install the remote steering and speed control for the kicker motor. After 25 years seat on the back to steer that kicker motor now is time for upgrade. I'll research more for the Garmin TR1 Gold Autopilot. I'm very exciting for the early Spring fishing.
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That is a great price and looks nice! I am impatiently waiting a new travel cover and finally, a rear curtain for my boat - hoping my turn in the barrel is in the next couple of weeks, just waiting for a call from my canvas guy!

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