Downrigger stops

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Apr 27, 2017
Dayton Wa
I'm kinda new to the world of electric downriggers and was looking for info on the auto stops for Scottys. Will the gizmos that clamp on the cable to stop the downrigger at or below the waterline work on braided line or will need a bobber stop be needed to keep them from sliding on the braid?
Thanks for any help. JD
Scotty makes a "Sure Stop" #0374 you might look at. It's basically a 6-8' line with a swivel on the end that triggers the auto stop so you don't have to worry about the "stop bead" coming off and running your weight into the boom. I am just switching over to Scotty and learning as well, no expert here.
Thanks I'll look into those. I haven't bought the riggers yet, still trying to decide which ones to get, the scottys or cannon. I sometimes do to much thinking and not enough fishing.
Scotty's or Cannon's it like the old ford or Chevy thing. I have cannon mag 5's, my fishing partner had scotty 1106
's on his boat. Both work well and help to catch alot of fish. . There are pro's and con's on both. I like the shorter booms on the cannon's,but that just me.
I like being able to tilt the scotty's. Good luck with what ever you pick.
Another thing to consider in my unprofessional opinion, Cannon has the Auto stop feature which stops after the ball reaches the surface and the "wire" breaks the contact to stop. That feature won't work with braid.
I have Cannon manuals now and really like them, and like the look of the electric Cannons over Scotty. I Just bought a pair of used Scotty electric 2106's because I want to use braid instead of cable. Just another thought.

I own 4 Elec cannons,I do like Auto stop a lot. It's like Chevy vs Ford. I don't use braid line, Wire works great for me,I see no reason to change. I bottom fish a lot in the ocean with braided line. its not hard to break, when hung up.
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I have decided to order the scotty 1106B because it comes with braid. I ran cannons on my previous boat and didn't like the hum of the cable so have decided to try braid. Have never used electric downriggers and looking forward to giving them a try.
I normally fish alone so I'm only going to buy one rigger at this time so who knows I may wind up with scotty on one side and cannon on the other.
I have decided to order the scotty 1106B because it comes with braid. I ran cannons on my previous boat and didn't like the hum of the cable so have decided to try braid. Have never used electric downriggers and looking forward to giving them a try.
I normally fish alone so I'm only going to buy one rigger at this time so who knows I may wind up with scotty on one side and cannon on the other.

Hi guys new to the forum , I just installed a couple 1106 riggers with cable and it came with two stoppers (Orange in color) assuming these are the correct ones , haven't installed them yet...
Hi guys new to the forum , I just installed a couple 1106 riggers with cable and it came with two stoppers (Orange in color) assuming these are the correct ones , haven't installed them yet...

The orange ones are the right ones for cable, the red ones are for braid. I use the sure-stops discussed above. Bob R