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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2009
S.W. Idaho
so with taxes e-filed this morning, i do believe im in the market for another downrigger. ive got a really nice penn manual that i plan on using on the new boat. my next will be an electric. ive only ever used scotty (on my dads boat). they have worked flawlessly and i love them. but im curious about the cannon's. what does everyone here use...what are some pros and cons you see with both? thanks.
I have Cannon Mag 5's on my boat,I love them super fast easy to use.Easy on,easy off the base's makes storing that much easier also. Most of my fishing friends have Scottys. The Scotty's are a very well make dependable downrigger. One of the big drawback's to me is that. Cannon uses a electrical current for their auto stop fuction to work. That means that you cant use a braided line instead of the stainless steel cable.

With the Scotty's you can use either a braid or the SS wire and still have a functioning auto-stop. I also like the electrical plugs on the Scotty's better then I do the Cannon's .After the first year of use ,one of the plugs broke on one of my Cannon's. Instead of replacing it with another Cannon plug,I switched to Scotty's plugs,and have not had a problem since.Personally I feel its a ford vs chevy kinda thing.
If you can only afford 1 electric, get a Scotty. I love my Cannon's but I have 4 of them and don't stack. Scotty's are better suited for stacking lines than Cannons.
Walker Tournament series. Well made electric DR. No issues. Love them. First bought them with 2' boom with auto stop. Upgraded to 4' boom still with auto stop. Was able to use shuttle hawk on 2' boom but the auto stop for the 4' boom won't allow that. But can stack using a clip. Considering buying a couple of more.
I went through your pain about two years ago pitting one brand against the other, shopped around in the local stores and online for the best price. Finally settled on two Scotty's ordered out of Seattle. They arrived in three days and I haven't been disappointed in their set-up, speed, and overall operation. The only issue I've had is the switch mount broke on one of them. I easily repaired it by just moving the switch to an adjacent hole. If you get a chance to examine one closely, you'll see what I'm talking about. It has worked fine ever since.
I just went Electric

Honestly, not lazy, but way to much cranking on my manual cannons last year. Very nice , owned them for 3 years without a single issue. I went with Walker electric becuase of the size, they are smaller. Sense I have a smaller boat, that made sense. I did alot of reading and the walkers are highly recomended. I went with he Cabelas Kokanee model. Maybe the name got me! thumbsup
dependable proven design.
parts and available everywhere
will be around as long as there still are fish to be caught
like my money staying in America