Electric Trolling Motor Setup Advice?

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Thanks Dave

I may have made up my mind on the Charger. Found out if you buy a Minn Kota Mk-230PC before July 1st, you get a $50 Am Ex Gift Card as a rebate. Hodges Marine Electronics price is $202.90 after the rebate so can't really pass it up. You think that charger will do the job for me?

yup, that's a good unit
I have the minnkota PC 230 and it works great, charges fast, conditions and balances your batteries. Bought my batteries at Costco, two group 27s and I can fish hard for an easy eight hours much to my surprise. I have a sea ray 19 ft. Open bow roughly 2700 lbs. with a 80 lb. I pilot riptide and I love my set up. When there's no wind I put up my I/O to save on the drag but if the wind comes up back down she goes to help keep the back end straight. You won't be disappointed with a 230pc, money is tight for me but it was worth saving up for...
Thanks for all the replies & suggestions!

After considering costs & everything, I've decided to go with a brand new Nissan 6hp Four Stroke Hi-thrust kicker with 5 year warranty for $1499 total shipped to my door. I will be taking the Proline out of Bodega Bay & Ft Bragg for Salmon, Rockfish, & Tuna so the safety benefit of having a small hi-thrust kicker out there made my decision an easy one.
Found a great deal on a brand new 2012 Suzuki DF9.9THL Hi-Thrust 4-Stroke with Electric Start & Power Tilt for $2250 + tax. Will be picking it Tuesday and having a friend weld/fabricate a rock-solid reinforced transom mounting bracket out of 1/4" SS plate. Will post up pics when it's all done. Can't wait to get over to Berryessa & catch some fat Kokes!
Ok - Ran up to Lake Sonoma this afternoon to test the Merc with the Trol-a-Matic. While the big lump seems to want to putt along ok and I was able to troll as slow as 1.4mph, the noise and smell of 2stroke fumes is not acceptable plus the boat was very reluctant to get up on plane and lost about 10mph off top speed. Oh well, off to eBay for Mr Trol-a-Matic.

So, it looks like a 24 volt, 70-80# thrust electric is in my future.

More questions...

For charging two 12v Group 31 batteries, what's the best way?

Is Minn Kota pretty much the choice for electric trolling motors these days?

Between the Minn Kota Powerdrive 70 V2 and the Riptide ST 80, is 10lbs of thrust and the touted increased corrosion resistance of the Riptide series the only difference?

Would I notice much difference between a 70 vs 80lb thrust motor?

Is i-Pilot the shiznit or what?

I know this is an old post, but had to comment. I am suprised you are having issues. I have the troll-o-matic. It Has had no effect on my boats performace. Planes fine, and has even given me a couple more mph to my top speed. went from around 37 alone to 40-42 alone. I can troll as slow as .65 mph with it. My 90 hp motor running near idle is also much quieter than my old kicker running half to 3/4 speed. All in all, was the best $130 i have ever spent. The only thing that will get me away from it is a self charging electric motor that never dies :)
terek, is your 90 a 2 stroke or a 4 stroke? A 90 - 4 stroke would idle worlds different than a 115 - 2 stroke.
its a 2 stroke. But its a johnson that was made in '85 if that might make a diff. Also, my boat is the old tracker glass bass boat with the tri hull. It has always planed out in like 1 sec.