for you guys still useing balls/pancakes

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2011
newberg, oregon
my boat has the Columbia break away anchor which got me thinking yesterday about downrigger weights why not make the same thing for them so when I had the boat out on the river shacking down some of my additions I found a stump about 3' deep to try my concept out, first I used just the ball and found a root that it hung up every time but could get it loose by backing up or using my boat pole then tried my setup and all but once It was able to break away going forward every time. so I will try to show you how to make it and how it works first the weight.

now make a short leash with a downrigger snap that will hook to the rear eye.

now you need a light duty zip tie to put thru the downrigger weight top eye and the downrigger snap and put your leash into the downrigger clip like so.

now I will try to show you how they work with a piece of wood to simulate the root first this will simulate it being stuck,

now as your boat moves forward it will break the zip tie.

and pull the weight up and hopefully over the root.

this system works very well with my anchor and has saved me many many times. so if it works once it will save you 35 bucks. but if you were using pointed stick weights you wouldn't have to worry about it laugh hyst . dfly