gorge 7-11

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Green River Wyo

Was fishing the gorge on Friday, and got to experience something, that was out of the ordinary. Friday morning dawned with grey skies, and a slight breeze. About 9/a I could see a storm rolling in off of Cedar mountain. It looked like a huge fog bank coming. So ok no problem I just faced west with the boat and was waiting for the wind. Well next thing I know, it was raining, and not just a little .It was putting down some much needed water, but no wind. This kept up all morning and into the afternoon, and still no wind. It would rain for 20 minutes then quit for 20 minutes, then start back up again Put the boat on the trailer about 1:30/p and never felt more a slight breeze all day.

Not too many times does it rain at the gorge and the wind doesn’t blow. As for the fishing, well let me say the fishing was great and the catching even better. The bigger fish that I caught all came during periods when it was raining hard. There is a algae bloom going on at the lake right now, but it must be about 20-30 foot down in the water column, as the surface looked clear. This in turn created a lot of false releases on the dr/s. Here are some pictures that I took of it raining. Kind of cool to be fishing in the rain and not getting blowed off the water.
When Roger describes rain to me like that he calls it, "lake affect" where it just hangs there and drops huge amounts of water. He's the Utah meteorologist so I just take his word for it.

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