The only thing constant in nature is change. These bigger kokanee in Hayden will be short lived and will be replaced by more abundant smaller fish as they fight for food supply in a smaller lake and then it just dies off as all the smaller fish are depleted of a food supply. Then fish and game moves to the next lake to stock after their food supply is depleted. The bite cycle has also changed. You could never catch kokanee in the early spring. it has always been an ice fishing (schooled), mid summer (trolling as the fish disperse when the water warms) fishery. When the weather was hottest was always the best kokanee fishing, not anymore. CDA is not the kokanee fishery it once was, nor is spirit lake, hayden will be next. Ponderay may be the next best hope if you want to go fight the wind and keep your boat pointed in the right direction along with keeping the proper trolling speed. Anyway, very frustrating for a fisherman who used to have no problem having a smoker full of kokanee every weekend in the summer.