Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
As you all know there are several hazards out there while fishing. We are always getting hooked with a hook in some way such as the finger or in the ear. Just handling a knife or cleaning the catch of the day can put a nice little cut across a finger/s. How about mishandling a fish which we do time & time again with sharp teeth or fins. There has been times I have left more blood in my boat than the days limit. Whats important is a FIRST AID KIT. Do you carry one on board? It should be able to treat the small things that do happen but you should purge it out as time goes on for bandages have a shelf life. Anti-septics, ointments, sunscreen for sun burn, oh yea, howabout lotion for dried out hands that begin cracking? That's my favorite, one day out fishing and my hands are like a lobster. If you stab or shoot yourself, seek medical help. violin