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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2015
Elk Grove, CA
We're taking off next Wednesday for ten days of Oregon lake fishing, don't have camp reservations anywhere. We'll start at Lake of the Woods and see what that's like on the first leg of the trip, then finish the second half in the Odell - Crescent Lakes area. The plan is to take 3-4 more trips back up there this year to learn our way around, we' most likely will move to the Medford area next spring. I don't see a lot of recent reports, must mean either fishing is great or terrible. RAY
You might want to try Wickiup Reservoir...it's not far from Odell and bigger kokes. We just came back from a trip to WA, fished ID and OR also!
Thanks Froggie! Due to not having a reservation at a campground the plan is to take off around 3am and get up there in plenty of time to drive around to various areas in hopes of landing a decent spot. I want to be able to unload my cabover and have enough room to keep my boat and truck hooked together to make launching easier, and way easier walking in and out of the Lance cabover. I've got a 85lb chocolate lab who's going on nine so the camper steps are out, she has to get up to pee at night about as often as I do. I like the fact that Crescent is at 83% full of water, Wikiup is at 50% and sounds like a tricky place to fish until you learn it. With the Lance and running two Honda 2000's in parallel I could just stay in a rest stop and watch TV for a week, maybe have a drink!

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