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Another advantage of having someone drive the boat off the trailer is that the center section of the ramp is usually wide open. I'm often able to skip past a couple of boats ahead of me at the launch because they want the dock.
I remember getting into a tiff with a guy that was next in line to launch but he was dilly dallying around with prep. 101faceslap101 I waited 15min in a crowded launch area whistlersmother so when I got a brake I went around him while he was on his boat still prepping. He made sure that I knew he was next & I made sure he tied up all launches and he wasn't anywhere near launching when I went around. nonono No more said after that. He was only thinking of getting in line but had too much prepping to do which should have been in the parking lot away from the active launch ramp. I do a lot by myself but don't waist time doing it and when I recover the boat on the trailer I always head straight to the parking lot to avoid the zoo as much as possible.
Great read metalheadgene. All comon sense. Amazing how much of that is lacking around the water. I have learned go early and comeback late. I am not the fastest, but can get my 25ft cruiser in the water and off the dock in 5-7 minutes all by myself just by doing what metal head suggests. Good preperation away from the launch area is key. Loading is usually 10 min. But man those guys with a 12 ft alum. boat who take 20 min. Dang. 101duh101
I think I'm the luckiest of all, I have a wife who drives the boat on and off the trailer (while holding our baby) and a brother who drives the truck, I get to: count the fish in the cooler, watch the boat ramp/dock follies and do a last minute sober-up from a long day of relaxing fishing thumbsup
Completely agree. People are all there and eager to get in the water. If someone's waiting put a little hustle in it. You'll get on the water faster
I had a guy at an opener a couple weeks ago make me wait to take my boat out while he prepped and when he was done he picked up a cigar looked straight at me and straired at me for a couple seconds then proceed to look for his lighter. He stops looking. Looks at me for a few more seconds and goes back to looking for his lighter periodically looking again and again and I swear he started moving slower. Luckily I was in a good mood. I'm not the most patient person especially when people are making not just me wait but everybody wait. But I knew he was doing it on purpose. 15min later I just drove my boat on. My trailers not built for it and of course I broke a roller. Eh! Whatever I had a good day on the water and he'll get wats coming to him eventually. Hopefully a big dude in a back alley! Lol!
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You make some great points. Prepare your boat before you get in line to launch. I outfit my boat a long ways from anywhere boats park or launch. Then, take care of your business in a courteous fashion by launching the boat and moving it as far out on the dock as possible to wait for your launch driver if you need to.

The dock is not a play ground for kids and it's not a fishing extension for bank fishermen as someone can get seriously hurt when boats are launching or retrieving.

I'm always the first or second one to launch in the morning. If it's light enough to see I'm probably already riggers down somewhere on the water. I try to retrieve in between the time when the fishermen have all launched the lake lice are still asleep.

I hate crowds so I plan accordingly but on days when that isn't possible, I remember to smile a lot. I came to have fun and so I'm not about to let someone take that away with their antics at the dock. I simply work around them or ask if I can assist them to get my business done.

Thanks for your timely post Gene. Hopefully it's a teaching moment on both boards for someone who hadn't thought the whole process through!

It all depends on the situation, doesn't it. If a fellow is launching by himself, Kali or I run down and help. If he has to take longer so be Don says, you're there to relax. Likewise I am patient with those who can't back up well, the older folks, and those with motor problems. Stuff happens. But, when you have a guy like we had last year who launches in the pull-out only lane, ties up at waterline, and begins to spool line on a reel, while I have backed up the trailer, and Kali is holding the boat behind him tapping her toe on the dock, well, then I figure I have a right to get a bit steamed. When I finally asked him to move, he fell in the water as he was trying to get in the boat. Yes, there is a God!! Mike

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