KFF Challenge

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Jun 4, 2008
I'd like to thank everyone that participated in the event. I feel that we had a good turn out for the first one. I had many people ask me if we can do this every year and id like to make it an annual event. Had some great food and great prizes for the raffle. Had people from utah, wyoming, colorado, California and idaho. Thanks Kokaholic and propnut69 for all your guys help we couldn't have done it with out you guys

thanks to the companies that donated prizes
Rocky Mountain Tackle/Osprey
Radical Glow
Vance Tackle
Cory Keller of Hendricks
Fishermans Friend
Father Murphy Tackle
Sierra Tackle
Curly lures
Good Day Fishing
Jason, Mark and Tim put in a lot of time and effort organizing and running our first ever KFF Challenge. They did a great job and I think everyone had a great time and the food was outstanding (thanks Mark for cooking thumbsup). It was nice to put faces with names on the forum. There was some great tackle and rods given away during the raffle and most everyone ended up with something.

Thanks again guys for your hard work. thumbsup
Thanks for the kind words Wayne,it was great to meet you,and talk a little about the future of our little fishery here. It was great to put faces with names and meet some great people. As always it was great to see Rodger(b duck) again ,and meet Mrs. bduck (trouble)laugh hyst. Rich is was good to see you again,been a long time. Tom (smoke on the water) maybe we can get a chance to go chase some kokes on fontenelle one of these days. To Earl,Dale,Steve,and Jeremy,it was great to meet you ,and I hope you enjoyed your time here. I would personally like to thank everyone that attended. We had a great turnout,some great donation's from some very generous company's. The weather could not of been better,but the fishing sure could of been better.Oh well that's way it called fishing and not catching. A big congrats to both Mark and Gary,for showing Jason and me how to catch fishworthy12,but I'm sure we will redeem ourselves in the future.Rick from kokaneemart ,you were missed,and our condolences to you and your family. You are in our prayers. And finally a big thank you to Buckboard marina for allowing us to have this get together ,in the parking lot. Lets hope that this can become a annual event. thumbsup
Hey guys,

From all indications, the first KFF fest (of many I'm sure) was a big success. Thank you for the kind words and thoughts for my family. I will definately plan on being there next year and we can try to figure out a way to "get Jared" on some kind of fun gag again! laugh hyst

Thank you for pulling it together and I'm sure next year will be bigger. thumbsup
. I will definately plan on being there next year and we can try to figure out a way to "get Jared" on some kind of fun gag again!

Thank you for pulling it together and I'm sure next year will be bigger.

the steamer was a classic. LOLlaugh hystlaugh hystthumbsupworthy12
More Pic's

I caught 2 kokes for the challenge and Smokeakoke caught 1 koke and a pup laker at 2lbs. Here is some pic's also of the BBQ. If an avatar fits someone, take a good look at Propnut69. My compliments to you Tim. Petty & Propnut handing out raffle prizes. It was great to see no little kid was left out. This is our future that was having fun.


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Kff Bbq

Behind the spatula is Kokaholic. Great job in the chef duties Mark. Jared Johnson, great to have you as a part of this family. Hope to see it grow next year. FishHunter, had a pleasant chat with you at my camp, hope to see you again on the water this time. Other pic's of great people coming together for this fine day.


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Kff Bbq

More pic's of great group of people. Lets all consider of making this an annual event. It was alot of FUN.


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Here is a pic of the KFF Hat that was raffled out. Also, here is a pic of a Sockeye Salmon decal in 4in & 6in size I had made up on my own. Of course not without a price. The larger on the boat.


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Thanks Bduck, I was hoping to see some pics of the event. Looks like everyone had a great time with a few very nice fish caught. Glad to see your wife was also hauling them in. Wish I could have been there. Will make a serious effort to come down next year if it happens again. Thanks again.

Petty, that was a great first KFF turnout. We had a blast and walked away with a ton of fishing goodies and enjoyed the cheering section, mostly Ashley, you California @#$%suckers. See you next year.
Ya, thanks to everyone that put this thing together. I felt like it was a good turnout for a first event. I wished I would have met a few more people, but it was great to meet the ones I did. For all you that didn't make it this year, I would suggest trying to make it a priority next year. These people are great, and you wouldn't believe all the gear they gave away, I wouldn't even dare guess what it would have cost to buy it all. Thanks again to all that put the challenge together, see you next year, if not sooner.thumbsup

For those of you who were unable to attend, you should have seen the smiles on the youngsters faces as they received their prizes. This made the whole event PRICELESS!!!

Thanks to our hosts, Flaming Gorge, Buckboard Marina and most of all, Mother Nature. What a GREAT Weekend!!!!

Thanks to all the sponsors mentioned above. BRAVO!!!!!

Thanks to Tim, Mark and Jason for putting this event together. GREAT JOB!!!! Sorry if I missed anyone.

I plan on making the event next year if all goes well.
great job guys you did a killer job thanks had a great time iam still trying to recover thumbsup.had a ball with the cali's hope to do it again next yr . next yr i will watch my mouth laugh hystno i wont.ash
Hey Fish...how was your Jagermeister melon the next day?...lol...bet it felt
really nice!.....It was great to meet all you guys and take all your gear!!
No, really....We had a ball, you guys and gals and kids are all solid. My friends boy "Ethan" will never forget that day....We WILL be back!!!.....Mike
Thank You Jared, Cory, Buckboard crew, and all the guys who worked at the Forum event, and all the Tackle Co's for the generous donations....
Hope to meet more of you soon...........Mike....(Cali %&&*sucker Capt.)

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