
Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Larry the Hamm3r

New member
Aug 8, 2018
My name is Larry. 55 and retired finally! I drive a 1900 18 foot Fisher boat with a 115 and 9 Mariner outboards. Has minnkota bow mount, live well, stereo and top. One downrigger. Need another. Lol. I fished at Anderson Ranch this year. Amazing place for large rainbows and land locked salmon. I am going there tomorrow with a friend. I usually long line troll with flashers and wedding rings or kokobo using 3 or 4 ounce ball weights. Where is a good place troll this time of year? Can I launch my 18 foot boat near pine? Thanks.
Welcome to the forum Larry

Welcome to the forum Larry. Glad to have you join us. The kokanee fishing should be winding down about now as this years fish are getting ready to spawn. You should be able to launch at the ramp at the pine Airport campground, or at Curlew Campground. I would give the South Fork of the Boise Section a try as many of the fish will be staging there to get ready to head up river to spawn. With the HOT weather we are experiencing they should be down pretty deep. With only one downrigger I would stack two lines, one at forty and one around fifty feet deep. Haven't been to Anderson for a couple of weeks but hopefully there are a few fish that will be willing to play. Have fun and congratulations on your retirement.
Welcome aboard Larry and congrats on your retirement. I was lucky and always had jobs I mostly enjoyed but retirement is by far my best job yet and I hope that will be true for you as well.

You've probably noticed the forum needs more posts and more active members. I hope you'll consider posting after your fishing trips to let other know what is working, where to fish, etc. Some folks treat fishing as competition and don't share much; others share to pay back for the help we were given on forums such as this and to bring more smiles and fish to our friends in the fishing community. Tight Lines. Kokanee64