Lake Berryessa 5-20-16

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Apr 7, 2015
Nampa, ID
Well, I finished my revenge trip at this lake. First day we fished the island area and picked up two rainbows, about 17-18" each (did not bring a tape measure). 30 minutes later, picked my very first koke at this lake, about 14". Due to my rookie mistake while unhooking it, the fish did its acrobatics and got back into the lake. We then went to the dam area where I picked up two more kokes, a 14" and a one closer to 15", and another trout also about 17". My buddy got the big fish award, a rainbow, about 21". Fished for the next two mornings and got absolutely skunked. Surface temp was 70 and I caught my kokes in the 22' to 25' depth. The trout were anywhere from 22' to 35' range. I used a green and a pink/white hoochie for my kokes behind a DD dodger. All in all, I got fish but the lake switched off immediately, I think it was the moon.
Thanks for the report. Went out last Sat with a friend and got three nice rainbows in the 18" range by the big island. 2 at 25' and one at the surface as I was clipping my line in the downriver release. No Kokes at all.😩
Going out tomorrow with the wife and kids. First time for them at the lake. Hope to show them the old man knows what he's doing.