Llake Roosevelt Kokanee 2016

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Mar 29, 2013
Spokane, WA
Lake Roosevelt Kokanee 2016

Fished the Keller area for kokanee starting around 8:30 on Sunday. We knew it might be tough fishing based on rising water and a storm forecast to come in around 2 in the afternoon. Caught the first fish of the day (rainbow) on the lead core at three colors and 1.7 mph with a UV Simon dodger and a pink/UV hoochie set up. We got the first koke on the same rig around 9:00 and thought we might be into them. Caught another one of the silver beauties around 9:30 and then one more around 10. Not exactly fast fishing but enough to keep us interested.

We continued trolling for the next four hours without a bite and finally caught one more trout around 18 inches. We finally moved down stream and were exploring when the rain started around 2 as predicted. Maybe this will help? Up to that point all of the fish had come on my rods; one lead core and the other on the downrigger at 16'. Ron's pole finally came to life landing another koke just shy of 20". These fish are so strong, what a blast to catch them. His pole went off again when we were putting it out and we didn't get that one in the boat. We turned around and trolled back to where we hit fish and caught another ; yahoo one to go for the six wild fish limit for the three of us. It didn't take long and we had the sixth fish in the boat in the pouring rain around 3:30. Long day for sure.

We ended up with 3 bowes and the six kokanee ranging from one "small" 18 incher to the others just shy of 20" with one making the 20" mark. Long day for sure but we are so spoiled with this fishery.

Tight lines - Alan

PS We really appreciate the courtesy of the fish checker at the launch. What a wealth of information Brandy had. 20160117_101405 (2).jpg20160117_150717.jpg20160117_144823.jpg
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Sounds like another awesome trip...can't wait to get up there and follow you around the lake. Congrats on another epic adventure!!
See you out there,
Finally got a chance to take Captain Dave out on my boat for some Kokanee fishing. Launched at Spring Canyon and had the lines in the water about 9:00. Dave caught the first fish out in the middle just upstream from the launch; wow that didn't take long. Could we have a hot fishing day? I switched up to the new VK flasher I ordered from Finland and caught the second koke. Then nothing, just seemed to die around 10:30. We marked fish and chased marks but that didn't seem to help. The deeper fish were just not biting.

Moved down towards the dam and picked up another off the lead core line outfit. It seemed to be the hot rod for the day fishing three colors deep. That particular set up has caught more fish than any on my boat; it is rigged with three colors only and 80' of leader putting the presentation 170' behind the boat. It fishes somewhere between 12 and 15' deep depending on speed and terminal tackle.

We decided to quit at 4:30 and right at the last we had a double. I got mine and Dave's came off part way in; that's kokaee fishing! Finished the day with four wild kokanee from 18 to 19 inches and really fat plus three rainbows.

What a beautiful day it was. Forty three degrees when we launched and high 50's as the sun warmed things up. Almost no wind and 39 degree water. Didn't even have to fire up the heater, just hard to believe it is still only February.

Tight lines - Alan

PS Here is a video Fish Dawg put together from our trip to Roosevelt. Enjoy



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Those are great looking Kokes. Nice work and thanks for the pics and videothumbsup

Alan: What a super fishing day you had. Thanks for sharing. You're making it awfully hard to go trudge thru the muck at CoffeePot lake after rainbows. May have to bite the bullet and keep heading northeast for some of those kokes. Had maiden voyage last Friday at a local lake in my new bath tub. What a hoot.

Thanks for sharing - looks to me like you guys won the game just with the conditions for this time of year, let alone some nice fat koke's to boot! Great day.
You are all welcome - glad to share. Get The Net, the fish from lake Roosevelt are some of the best table fare anywhere in my opinion. Even the rainbows are awesome red flesh and can be eaten fresh or smoked. No 'muck" to wade through either! thumbsup
Al that is an awesome video!! We will see you on the water! We have got to get up there and check out that lake! We plan to make it our home lake someday! We can't move up there til June of next year (2017). We gotta get out there at least a couple times before then.
See you out there,

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