Loon Lake Night Fishing

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2013
Spokane, WA
Took fellow Wa Laker Hewesfisher out to Loon for some kokanee action. He had never fished at night for them so this was a whole new experience for him.

We met at the launch around 7:30 PM, launched and headed to the South end of the lake to the usual spot. (I have an X in the bottom of the boat I line up on an X in the bottom of the lake) Works for me anyway. Got all the gear set up and ready to go before dark. Showed HF how to bait up the glow hook with three or four maggots and a piece of shoepeg corn dyed pink with a secret sauce added. Now for the wait for the fish to start biting. First hit tickle,tickle...rats missed em, wait he's back for more; missed him again. Good teacher I am! Oh no he snitched my corn too!! Re-bait and try again. Finally got one to show HF how it was done. Now it's his turn to try hooking one of the silver "ghosts". Was that a bite......or the boat bouncing in the waves from the last water skier to leave the lake?????? Oh the extra bounce is a bite......but, but how do you hook em? With a snap of the wrist HF. He keeps trying and finally hooks his first ever Loon Lake night kokanee....yahoo! Pic is of the elusive silver ghost Phil got.

Nephew parked close to us and wasn't doing too well. He had caught a limit with his daughter a few days earlier; but alas tonight was not going as well. Hey uncle got any more of that corn? He pitched a container to us and we shared some of the magic corn with him and Dan who was with him. He started catching fish as soon as he made the change.

Hewesfisher continued to hone his skills (he's a quick study) and we caught our Friday limit of twenty by midnight. Went to work on Saturday's limit.....it was slow going and we finally ended with 16 out of the 20 when the fish quit biting around 1:30AM. None on the sonar so they must have returned to the deep cold water they like so much.

What a great night getting to know HF and share stories of Lake Roosevelt and fish in general. Had a nice boat ride back to the launch under the stars in the cool of the night. Thanks for sharing a fun night of fishing Hewesfisher



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night fishing Loon

It's a hoot for sure!! tooexcited

Most fun I have ever had fishing was night fishing for Kokes at Loon... did the midnight double limit too... only problem is, I don't have an X in the bottom of my boat and I don't really know where to go back to.

Ask me about Sullivan and I have a different story ;-)

I would love a bucket list trip to Flaming Gorge for some of the BIG Kokanee down there!

The Sullivan kokes are small-ish... 7-9 inches I would guess. Plentiful. I troll for them because I have not found a spot with fish that is shallow enough to anchor and jig. 200-300 feet of anchor line is more than I can handle lol. One of these days maybe I'll mark some fish in water shallow enough to drop anchor but I haven't yet.

If anyone out there knows a good spot, I'd appreciate the info. Meanwhile, we're planning an all-nighter to Loon in the not too distant future.

Just as an aside here... Daytime Jigging for kokes on Loon is great as the depths are typically manageable. My best luck has been on the west side of the lake in 40-50 feet of water and in front of the Granite Point store working north onto the ridge. This is especially true mid July onward as the they seem to hug the bottom which makes them easy targets. Pink 3/4 inch has worked the best for me.
We've fished Flaming Gorge and YES it is an amazing koke and trout fishery!!! Last year and the year before were most productive. We've stayed at Lucerne and at Buckboard.

Now looking to hit Chelan, CDA, Pend Oreille, Loon, and maybe Hayden while in the area this summer. This trip means NO Gorge trip this summer.