Our 2 weeks of Kokanee Heaven @ Loon
Hey everybody,
Going great here at Loon Lake, Granite Point Park!
The folks here at GPP are wonderful.
Mostly fishing right out front of Granite Point, in 33' of water. Fish are sneakily biting right near the bottom.
Joe Haley, rest his soul, taught me how to get the feel for the fish many years ago.
The other night I got my 10 fish limit in 27 minutes.
But it took 2 1/2 hrs on a different night.
Sizes are 13-15", with occassional 11"ers.
Hooked an 18''+ Koke, of which I hear there are a few, but didn't have the net ready. By By fish.
The smoker's keeping busy at cabin #1
Daytime trolling for kokes is slow because I never get out early enough, usually after 9:00 am.
Have also caught a couple beautiful 18" Tiger-trout. They fight really well.