Yes, we were right there when it dropped. Maybe 30 feet away. That was painful to watch. I normally post on BigFishTackle, and described it on that site. A fellow who goes by IdahoRon responded with one of the funniest post I have ever read. You should check it out. We were fishing with either Jock Lloyds with a wedding ring with the green and red beads, or a dodger with a chartreuse hootchie. We picked up all our fish at 30 feet, but I have been somewhat frustrated at L.P. this summer. In past years, we have typically been one of the first off with limits each morning, but this year we are losing more fish, yesterday our fish were smaller (12-14 inchers), and I have resorted to experimenting with rigs. Oh, well, I will get back on my game eventually!!! Sounds like I was on top of the big guys yesterday. Anyway, kudos to the grandpa whose grandson let the motor drop, for not killing him on the spot. Mike