Matching outfits?

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I did do a couple of them. I am not sure if the added weight from the tape will affect the blades ability to spin. If anyone else has taped willow leaf blades with success I like to know.

I've taped alot of different kinds of blades but always used holoform reflector tape. It's alot thinner and molds to the curvature of the blades. I really don't think you'll have issues once the blade gets spinning.
Here is a combo that will probably have to sit for a while but I might not be able to wait. This is my "Hot August Nights" combo for the lunker spawners.

--If you wanted to go over to the dark side you could put a hook on the blade and catch a trout.
--I've seen similar colour combo spawning koke on a lyman plug.
--I feel it is OK for koke fishers to occasionally catch trout over 5 lbs to keep them from eating all the kokes.
I bet that spoon would make an awesome Mack lure!

--I'm not sure what your regulations are where you fish...I've seen these rigged with hook on the large spoon.. (just in case big fish hits it) and trailing spinner.
--We would not be able to use this hook set up in BC.
The one black bead you have in front of the spinner blade might slow or stop the blade due to water pressure at troll speed. Have you tried it yet? How does it spin or better yet how does it catch? When building my tackle I am always tempted to place a bead in front too. Just wondering because the rig looks great.
johnboy, all my spinners get a bead in the front and I've never noticed a problem with the spin of the blade. I haven't run the red and black spinner yet as I was waiting to try it in late season when the kokes start to turn.
I obviously have too much time on my hands. My wife thinks I am crazy but what the hell. I don't know matching is important or not but I think these blades I made will work whether matched or not.

All of our wives think we are crazy! Good looking tape jobs. I still use my kids custom tape and painted dodgers all the time. As for matching...never, except maybe when I go with copper, it drives the chicks wild! nananana