Nantahala looses a giant.

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2009
Western North Carolina
I just found out that rgarbar,Ron Garbarini passed away recently. Ron was a fine gentleman and the Dean of Nantahala Kokanee fishing. His fishing insight quickly got him on top of the Nantahala koke fishery. Ron and I fished Nantahala during the glory years a few years back. I never had the pleasure of sharing a boat with Ron ,but we traded ideas and lures over the years. Ron fished several days a week and could tell you what was working just about anytime . He would hit the water early catch what he wanted for supper and head home before the "Geezer barges( pontoons) and skiers woke up. The info Ron gave me over the years led to lots of great fishing trips. It is an absolute highlght of my fishing career to have known Ron. He will be missed.
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