New from Gig Harbor...referred by Eenakok..first couple Questions

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2013
Western Wasington
Finally picked up a little boat that will allow me to join in on the Kokanee fun (Lund WC14)..not the "perfect" boat but she will do to get me off the bank.

I'm and AVID Steelhead and Salmon river Angler (Bankie) who is excited to get out after these tasty little Salmon.

I have been "lurking" here for a few days when a friend of mine (Eenakok) encouraged me to join on in.

Hope I can't count on some of you Kokanee vets to help out with some of the "stupid" questions I will have.

Let's start with Question number 1 and 2:

Why do most seem to want clickers on their down rigger koke rods? Is it just to aid in dropping down with the rigger or is there more to it than that?
I have a Shimano Calcutta 251 that I would like to use and an Abu C4 5601 (Abu seems a bit large....but it wil work until I get this dialed and can save up for a better fit...To me the Calcutta seems perfect but as you can see...I'm new to this whole Kokanee thing.

I have yet to purchase a couple koke trolling rods...I have my eyes on a couple of 8' Lami Jared Johnson's. Seem to be just the I way off on this?

Thank you much for any help your willing to provide.
KokeRook -
Welcome to the site!

People like the clicker on the reel so when they send the gear down on the downrigger they can free spool and the clicker will keep it from free spinning. Those reels will work, as you fish more you will find what works best for you..

You will get a lot of opinions on rods. Those will work just fine!
Sounds like American is going to be a bust this year. So Meridian is one place I was going to try. also Angle Lake I hear can be good for larger fish. Any suggestions would e greatly aprreciated.

OH...wanna go after the little coho at Rife too :)
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I would also say that sportco is about to have there tent sale and i noticed those rods are going to be on sale!!! 55 bucks im gonna pick up one more and then i have 4 of them and all i have to say is that i love them. I also have a lund the 16ft fury and love it. And there is a wounded warrior event on riffe on the 20th. Hope you can make it.
101welcomw aboard KokeRook There are many good koke rods on the market but I settled on 2 of Jared Johnsons red rods with Okuma CV 15D reels(line counter & clicker) and 2 of Vance's spiral wrap rods P-LT 702 7'T with Tica Caiman 100's gold reels. My rods are light for kokanee fishing but there is that chance for an occasional brute to come along and they will stand up to that. Jared will be coming out with a new line of koke rods later. That's something to watch for.
thanks for all the help guys. Scrminbanshee...I drive by sportco every day on the way to work...I'll be checking those out for sure. thanks.
Like you I finally picked up a fishing boat. 12 ft. Klamath wiyh 2 Scotty manual downriggers and Scotty rod holders. My first attempt for the Kokes where on 4/13/13 at Lake Pardee near Ione, Ca.. I was really nervous because of different set ups I'm now using like line releases, weights, downriggers ect. Way different from off the bank. I caught 1 nice rainbow and 2 Kokanee's. I can't even tell you how excited I am to finally join the kokanee world. It has taken me 52 years. Life Is Good. Thanks Kokanee Tackle
Kokanee Chaser
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