Well-known member
I drove over to Manila and arrived about 8:30, checked in at the Villa Inn, chatted with the owner for a few, then headed over to Lucerne Valley Marina. Launched and went north towards Rawlins. I Stoped short of Rawlins to set everything up and had the first line in the water at 9:55 AM. Trolled towards Rawlins and turned northwest just outside the bay. At 10:25, boated kokanee #1. At 10:45, I boated kokanee #3. Done - in 20 minutes. Life is good.

This was the ticket.

I then stowed everything and headed over to Sheep Creek Bay looking for some Mac Pups. Looked everywhere for 4 hours. Zippo, nada, zilch, none! Of well, there's always next time.
Up early Friday AM and went to Sheep Creek launch ramp. I drove around to Hideout and dropped my lines in about 7 AM. Fifteen minutes later I had 2 in the boat, lost one at the net, and had 2 LDRs. Then, it went dead. At about 8:50, I decided to change lures again for the 5th or 6th time. Finally put down a purple Apex. Two minutes after it went down - BINGO - kokanee #3 (biggest for the day). I then packed everything away, cleaned the fish, and headed back home. I like it.

This was the ticket.

I then stowed everything and headed over to Sheep Creek Bay looking for some Mac Pups. Looked everywhere for 4 hours. Zippo, nada, zilch, none! Of well, there's always next time.
Up early Friday AM and went to Sheep Creek launch ramp. I drove around to Hideout and dropped my lines in about 7 AM. Fifteen minutes later I had 2 in the boat, lost one at the net, and had 2 LDRs. Then, it went dead. At about 8:50, I decided to change lures again for the 5th or 6th time. Finally put down a purple Apex. Two minutes after it went down - BINGO - kokanee #3 (biggest for the day). I then packed everything away, cleaned the fish, and headed back home. I like it.