LILFISHER Active member Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 30 Location where the Snake meets the Clearwater May 12, 2010 #1 We intercepted this Springer last weekend! LIL Bills Springer. Attachments bills springer.jpg 54.7 KB
fishingmom Well-known member Joined Mar 29, 2010 Messages 74 Location Colton May 16, 2010 #2 gosh i strategically placed my boat below you and look what happened....was hoping to see a pic, nice fish...hit that spot again friday night and nothing, one other boat with the same results :! river rose 4,000 this week
gosh i strategically placed my boat below you and look what happened....was hoping to see a pic, nice fish...hit that spot again friday night and nothing, one other boat with the same results :! river rose 4,000 this week
LILFISHER Active member Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 30 Location where the Snake meets the Clearwater May 17, 2010 #3 Got Chell into one in the same spot this morning that did the deathroll and came unbuttoned about the time we got to see it. LIL
Got Chell into one in the same spot this morning that did the deathroll and came unbuttoned about the time we got to see it. LIL
LILFISHER Active member Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 30 Location where the Snake meets the Clearwater May 21, 2010 #4 Couple more from tuesday. Dads first Springer. LIL Attachments Dad_Springer_l.jpg 46.2 KB Kev_springer_l.jpg 58.6 KB
LILFISHER Active member Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 30 Location where the Snake meets the Clearwater May 24, 2010 #5 Got my wife into her first Springer Today!! LIL Attachments Chell_Springer.jpg 37.1 KB