I personally found that when they say they want tester's, what they are really looking for is sucker's. Poor writing in their mags about fishing that has little or no application to what I like to do. If you like catfish or bass it might not be so bad. But their writing skills are bottom of the barrel. And not once was I asked to test their gear, not that I really care anymore. They did send me some junk gear to use but not to test. Mostly it was bait hooks and some rubber worms, not my kind of fishing. They constantly send you garbage, (books, videos, medallions, etc.), that you have to send back or get billed for. I do enjoy good books and video's, but the percentage of the ones they offer that have any value to them is very small. I found one video that they sent me that I benefitted slightly from and it was simply a video about knots and knot strength. From that video I gained confidence in the palomar knot. Not much gain for the time I subscribed to it. To be fair though, I think if you lived in Minnessota or Wisconson or something and fished for bass or cats or muskie, you might actually enjoy some of their articles, or maybe not.