North American Fishing club...Scam or not???

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Jan 15, 2010
Wenatchee Valley
I received some junk mail today from the North American Fishing club promising free fishing items for testing and a magazine subscription for $1.00 per month. In reading the paper work it looks like they send out DVD’s and books at regular intervals whether you order them or not and if you keep them you have to purchase them. Kind of looks to me like they use the same business model as Columbia house music service back in the day. Anyone belong to the North American fishing club? And if so, what can you tell me about it?
Welcome BigD. Good question. When they first became a club, I became a member. They were advertising for field testers also at that time. That was part of the reason I joined. Can't remember what annual fees were, but after about 2 or maybe 3yrs, I dropped them due to the fact I didn't hear anything about field testing some products. And they are still advertising for field testers. I did receive their magazines monthly which it had good articles in it, but also received other advertising mail from them as well. They have been around in the neighborhood of about 20yrs I believe. I see their decal logos still on bumpers and guys plastering the stickers to their tool boxes. They are ligitimate but receiving junk mail can be obnoxious sometimes.
Not a scam, but not exactly what they say either. I belong to the sister outfit, North American Hunting Club. I rather liked the book club, but opted out after I got all that I wanted. I think you can opt out of the book club part easy enough. I only ever got to "test" one product, a small battery lantern like you would use in a tent. About 10 bucks if bought at Walmart. Never got offered another thing. If you like the contnet of the magazine, and can resolve yourself that is all your going to get out of then and are happy with the price, then its ok. If you expect groovy free stuff in the mail every month, it aint gonna happen.
I would call it a 1/2 scam because you do get something for your money if not exactly what you expect from their promotion. I joined for a time in the late eighties or early nineties because of the field testing tease. Never field tested anything. Got some books that had articles written for 3rd graders in Alabama. They did publish one decent book that I still use occasionally called cooking and cleaning fish. Basically you get some stickers and a magazine.
been there done that am a "life member" bought the t-shirt. wish i could get my money back. wasnt worth it in my opinion
I would call it a 1/2 scam because you do get something for your money if not exactly what you expect from their promotion. I joined for a time in the late eighties or early nineties because of the field testing tease. Never field tested anything. Got some books that had articles written for 3rd graders in Alabama. They did publish one decent book that I still use occasionally called cooking and cleaning fish. Basically you get some stickers and a magazine.

Right....I also joined a few years ago and never tested anything. You get the magazine but thats about it. Since then I've quit my mags. and buy the ones I want off the shelf. If you've been reading the same ole stuff over & over as long as I have you know what I mean!

I have been a life member for many years. I have recieved many products for testing through the years that I have been able to keep. I have many of their books, which I thought were good and the return policy for those I didn't want was quick and easy.
The magazine is so so, it is geared mainly for the Midwest, South and Eastern U.S.
The forum isn't that bad either, especially if you are thinking about fishing the areas I mentioned above.
been there done that am a "life member" bought the t-shirt. wish i could get my money back. wasnt worth it in my opinion

I pretty much feel the same as Jason does. I become a life member about 15 yrs ago. I have field tested some products for then over the years,but they must of not liked what i said. They don't send me anything to field test anymore.
Thanks folks,
Sounds just as I thought...too good to be true. Thanks for all of the horror stories about the North American Fishing club. I kept the note pad, fishing license holder and the 5" x 5" Jumping Bass window decal and threw everything else away. I'm not a Bass fisherman so if anyone wants the Jumping Bass window decal? PM me your address and I'll send it to you free of charge. First come first served and I only have the one.

On a side note, I’m just putting this out there…If Cabalas, Lund, Yamaha, Bass Pro, West Coast Marine, G Loomis, Mack's lure or Rapala is looking for a field tester...I'm your man.
Thanks for the scam info!

laugh hyst! i just wanna say that i had subcribed to the club and signed in for testing equipment, all I got to test was a few hooks and some line that broke from probably being old, but that was nice of them! i cancelled my lifetime membership, so i don't think I'll subscribe again! It just makes me laugh, every time I see that they want testers!
I personally found that when they say they want tester's, what they are really looking for is sucker's. Poor writing in their mags about fishing that has little or no application to what I like to do. If you like catfish or bass it might not be so bad. But their writing skills are bottom of the barrel. And not once was I asked to test their gear, not that I really care anymore. They did send me some junk gear to use but not to test. Mostly it was bait hooks and some rubber worms, not my kind of fishing. They constantly send you garbage, (books, videos, medallions, etc.), that you have to send back or get billed for. I do enjoy good books and video's, but the percentage of the ones they offer that have any value to them is very small. I found one video that they sent me that I benefitted slightly from and it was simply a video about knots and knot strength. From that video I gained confidence in the palomar knot. Not much gain for the time I subscribed to it. To be fair though, I think if you lived in Minnessota or Wisconson or something and fished for bass or cats or muskie, you might actually enjoy some of their articles, or maybe not.
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well i new something was wrong,hey at least i got a jacket i never paid for or got billed from them...
The real problems in the past came when you tried to get them to cancel anything! Nightmare is how I've heard it described.101thumbsdown101

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