Odell Lake - 155 late season kok's - still in excellent shape

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
If you are looking for a lake in Oregon that is still fishing GOOD and that the fish are sill in great shape check out Odell Lake. Got back on Monday from a great long weekend trip at Shelter Cove Resort & Marina where I look my daughter Sadie, Wife Debbie, and father in-law Jerry on a later season kokanee fishing adventure. We brought back 155 kok’s most of them are running 13+ inches and well over a pound. Fish are running from the surface to 110 feet but I spent most of my time in 45 to 65 feet of water.





Top gear:

Orange R & K Glow Super Micro Hoochie first thing in the Morning...

Orange R & K UV Super Micro Hoochie after sun hit the lake...

Silver and Orange Spin & Glow

Wedding Ring with gold bottom stack bead, white middle, glow top stack bead, silver 2mm bead, gold #2 Colorado spinner blade.

My Corn recipe is in the September Kokanee Power of Oregon Newletter and it kicked butt…… It also worked well with orange dye.

Fish should still be in great shape all month long… Go get you some!!!
For more questions contact me at [email protected]

Also if you stayed at Shelter Cove Resort make sure you tell Jim Keilblock that the kokaneekid sent you.

Fish on kokaneekid
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Nicely done. thanks for the great report. info like this is why this site is so valuable. Fellow fisherman sharing there success,and explaining HOW ! THANKS AGAIN.
Nicely done. thanks for the great report. info like this is why this site is so valuable. Fellow fisherman sharing there success,and explaining HOW ! THANKS AGAIN.

It's not that the fisherman aren't willing to share information the most important part about this website is that you CAN talk about what is working without the powers above giving you a bad time.... I have never been edited on this website for talking about fishing companies or tackle.... It's straight up fish talk.....

Thank You Kokanee Fishing Forum!!!!

Fish On kokaneekid
Thanks for the report. My wife and I are going to give it a shot tomorrow. We've never been to Odell so it should be fun!