Odell Lake

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Jul 12, 2009
Salem, OR
We just spent a few days at Odell. It was basically my first time trying to fish for kokanee. Thanks to all who post their advice and information as I'm sure it helped us a bunch. 1st day-3fish. 2nd day 3 fish. 3rd day 9 fish. They were all in the 12 to 15" range and looked real good for eating. We started off on day 1 using hoochies and apex in various colors at 30' to 40' tipped with white shoepeg corn scented in 5 variations switching from scent to scent with no results. Then we swithced to wedding rings in orange or red with a shrimp/prawn & anise scent and that seemed to work the best. We had ford fender flashers attached to the downrigger weights. On one side of the boat we had a kokonee troll tied in line with an orange wedding ring attached to a release above the downrigger weight. On the other side we had the wedding ring alone attaced to the release above the downrigger. The kokannee troll side did the best and on day 3 we started using a jel scent on the wedding rings and were catching fish much quicker and that was the best day with 9. We fished from about 8 AM to 11 or 12 and probable could have caught a lot more had we stayed out longer. (A 13' Smokercraft starts to get uncomfortable after a 3 or 4 hours on the lake) We would have started earlier but it was so dang cold it was hard to get out of bed at 5 AM when you're sleeping in a tent. It was easily 35 to 40 degrees at night. Just a note- there seemed to be a lot of fish on the fishfinder, not schooled real tight and we seen a lot of other fishermen with their nets out bringing in fish but I'm not sure how they did compared to us. If anyone else was out there recently tell me how you did. Thanks again to all for taking the time to post your comments and advice and I will do the same.
Cheers, Specialedthumbsup
Great report Specialed, thanks for sharing! thumbsup Sometimes trying different things is what it's all about when kokanee fishing. Were the jiggers having any luck while you were there?
I didn't see a lot of people jigging. There was one boat that was trying it on the west end just north of Trapper Creek campground. I talked to his wife at the dock and they hadn't caught anything, but said they were normally successful there in the past.
There will be a one day Kokanee Derby at O'Dell lake hosted by Kokanee Power of Oregon and co-hosted by Shelter Cove Resort. The event is Saturday August 22. Entry forms are available at kokaneepower.org/oregon/ or can be obtained at the Resort Friday from 4 - 8 p.m. and early Sat. from 4 - 6 a.m. with information available from Greg 541-973-4831 or Brian 541-890-0743. First place is up to $1000 courtesy of Shelter Cove Resort and Daly' Window Cleaning. There will be tons of prizes available. Friday night Shelter Cove is hosting an oyster feed for all entrants. Saturday will feature a great barbeque following weighins. Should be a great one!!!

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