Painting Blades

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2015
I am going to be starting on my blade painting adventures this week, anyone have any design choices?

So far I am going to be doing a white base coat, with glow pink or orange, with a final base coat of clear UV finish.

Any patterns you guys would like to see? I will make some up and if you want a few I'll send a couple blades your way free of charge. I am just getting started on this so it could be a few weeks before everything is ready but I would gladly paint some blades for you and love to hear your feedback and how well they hold up.

For those of you wondering how I am doing it I will
-Heat the blade with a heat gun
-Powder Spray each layer, reheating as needed
-Baking the final product roughly 350f for 10minutes to put that glossy tough finish on it.

Anyways if you want some blades let me know what kind I am doing smaller blades purely for kokanee fishing. Size 1, 0, 00
Colorado, Dakota, French blades.
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Going the powder spray route on the small blades is difficult. The weight and thickness of the application tends to mess up the action of the blade. The blade gets disproportionately heavy and the cup on the blade gets reduced. My advice is to not do a lot of them in your fist batch and test them before burning through a lot of blades.
For the smaller blades themselves I am going to use a salt shaker / paint brush to apply the paint.

I am going to do a thin layer on the first coat 'white background' and apply the second coat with a small sprinkle of paint. For the smallest of blades I will only be doing the tips painted a different color. However you are right on doing a test run, I am prepared to make quite a few knowing I will mess up. I would only send out the successful ones to people of course.

If you have any recommendations for further blade painting techniques i'd love to hear them.
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here are some Willowleaf spinner blades i bot from Hagens cost .10 to .50 cents each painted. I use them for lake trout.

Some Dodgers I made from blanks from Hagens
