Pets, how much?

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Jan 22, 2009
I had a bad day at the vet today with my Lab, Jake. The exam was $800 and they want another $3,000 to do some shoulder surgery. How do you put a price tag on your pet? How much would you guys spend on your pet considering they have plenty of years, age wise, left?
I'll always have that special place in my heart for my dog. I have a Cocker Spaniel now for 13yrs now. I keep him playing, running as much as he wants to. Most of the time he's fishing with me. I put alot of money into him at the vets. I feel it wouldn't be fair to him to put him down if its going to cost alot of money to keep him healthy. Unfortunately there will be that day but I'm going to keep my dog around as long as possible. He deserves it. I don't have a price set for my dog.
Sorry to hear that Dave. I grew up with Dixie, a black lab that was a family member. She was a champion in obedience, and a mother to her 11 puppy's. She really didn't have much trouble health wise, but I would have donated a organ to her if it meant keeping her around a few more years. I don't know where I'd draw to line as far as how much money, and I hope I never have to make a judgement call like that. I guess it really would depend on the circumstances...if the dog would never fully recover vs getting something done and having a healthy dog for years to come. It's a tough decision...
we love our lab like a child, now that the kids are out of the house she is the queen, if she has allot of years left you about have to spend the money, if she was getting old it would be allot harder decision IMHO, sorry to hear that problem and hope I never have to make that decision myself, its a tough one.
when i was a kid we had a dog a beagle,and several cats,, and i had lots and lots of fish huge tanks filled with trout i even had a trained palomino aka golden rainbow that would eat a mealworm out of my hand.
We're going through that right now with our beagle, Buster. He's 9 1/2 and was just recently diagnosed with mouth cancer. Not sure how much longer he'll be with us but we have and will spend the money as long as he has quality of life. Yes, its a tough call and one that can only be made by each individual and their own situation. Hope you make the best choice for you and Jake.

P.S. What's wierd is the other animals (another beagle a year older and two cats) all know that something is wrong. They will come up and smell him, especially around his mouth. Very strange.

Jake has been walking around the house a little better so I'm hoping that keeping him quiet for a week or two might do him well. If he can move around with only limited pain, I'd be okay with him becoming a couch dog. If the couple weeks of rest doesn't seem to be enough, I'll be taking him to another vet for a second opinion. Dumb dog wants to go out and run every night when I come home because that's what we've done every night for almost 9 years. Slowing him down will be a challenge.

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