Since this is a Kokanee Forum, I'll provide what the Utah DWR defines as "Bag & Possession Limits". See page 15 of the 2010 Utah Fishing Guidebook for complete details.
"- Any trout, salmon or grayling that is not immediately released and that's held in your possession - whether the fish is dead or alive - is part of your bag and possession limit.
- A trout, salmon or grayling may not be released if it's been held in or on a stringer, fish basket, livewell or by any other device.
- In Utah, the bag and possession limits are the same. For example, once you've harvested a limit of trout, you cannot harvest any more trout until you have consumed or donated at least some of the trout you've harvested. So, if you eat one trout, you can harvest one more the next day; if you eat a full limit, you can harvest a full limit the next day."
I wonder how many Utah residents know these rules. This is a GREAT discussion topic, Thanks for posting. If you noticed, or didn't notice, there is no mention of storage ie. freezer, smoked, salted, bottled or canned. Possession is just that. How many do you possess?
There are also rules against wasting fish and wildlife in this state. Whether we think it's right or wrong doesn't really matter. Some lawmaker voted that way either out of their own conviction or through some lobbying effort. Sportsmen can have a say in the process of lawmaking or the lawmakers that are elected to office. Rules are rules and they are there for a reason.
We all know of someone who takes more than their share. Uncle Ted filling his plate for the third time at the family reunion or the guy down the street that always comes home with two deer, one for him and the Mrs. and she doesn't even hunt! Sharing is the key word! If we didn't share, there wouldn't be enough to go around.
It's not fun to go fishing and get skunked but there would be a lot more skunking if we didn't follow the rules. The guy that told you to "Pack Sand" is "DEAD WRONG"! Obviously he would not be legal in Utah or any other state for that matter.