I just got 1991 20' Custom-Weld river boat in January, it has a close loop cooling system. Last week when I winterize and test the old antifreeze in the engine. the result it was mixed for about +5 degree, the antifreeze level was low so I drained all coolant (engine and heater core) and filled up with 50/50 mixed (-35deg F). I took the boat out to LP to run test the engine and top off the antifreeze. After ran the engine for awhile then the antifreeze in the heat exchange drop down too. I'm not sure because air in the system caused it drop or it might leak in the heat exchanger or head gasket cracked (Haven't check the engine oil). I didn't see any antifreeze leak in the boat. I'll run test the engine again.
What is the normal level of the antifreeze in the heat exchanger?
What is the best method to test the heat exchanger, how much pressure to apply?
It would be greatly appreciated for your answer.
What is the normal level of the antifreeze in the heat exchanger?
What is the best method to test the heat exchanger, how much pressure to apply?
It would be greatly appreciated for your answer.