Season Winding Down

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Tuesday 8-19 I ventured to Strawberry with the season ending in disappointment. I fished along he east shore where I have had good catches for kokes for most of season. Fishfinder was showing marks of a lot of fish but was unable to bring 1 koke to the boat. I did hook up one with the usual surface tail dance and it stripping line but a self release about half way to the boat ended in frustration. However there was no skunk since the cutts played. Admittingly I did enjoy the catch as most cutts were of descent size falling in the 18-21" short of busting the slot, bringing 15 cutts to the boat. I think some were graduates of kokanee skool on how to fight. 101ok101I wanted to make one more run to the Berry but this trip hasn't help me with the delinquency of kokes decide to want to go back especially since this valley heat is not letting up taking a drain on this weary sole. Now its getting time to take some time to relax around the house and start prepping for some fall FINatics fishing.
Yessir, bought done.

The 2020 kokanee season is now history for me as well. Time for some trout chasing within an hour or less of Weber County from now on until probably early November. October can be very productive for fishing when the weather isn't conducive for duck hunting (cloudy & windy).
Once this heat wave settles and the lake lice stays home E Canyon is a good place to start to get some trouten in, Covid interrupted the early season. Rockport is another good spring training lake to knock of the cobwebs.
Both the boat and 5th wheel are home from our summer at the Gorge and even though it was one of the toughest seasons in memory, I'm already anxiously awaiting next season. Like Roger, East Canyon and Bear Lake in the next couple of months until things start to get icy.
We did the same boat and motorhome came home yesterday. We fished Friday up north but the bite was really slow, Can't wait for next year also. But for now its on to fishing for Lakers OH YA. Will still hit the local ponds After the hoolagans leave and the weather cools off. Already building new kokanee stuff. Thanks to all for the help it has been fun.
My spring line up usually starts April will be the Gorge, not a big fan of Jordanelle but since ice comes off earlier than others thinking of at least a trip there when the power squadron doesn't exist yet. After that Fontenelle comes into play but timing has to be right for that temperamental lake and of coarse the summer long Berry. Some of the other local waterholes that has kokanee introduced is a couple of years out so long distance will have to be it for now. I do have a mystery lake I'm thinking of but not sure if its going to come into play with exception for playing it by ear. golucky
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My next season will start with a new ride. I decided to jump on the Covid bandwagon of buyers and ordered a new boat. Currently going through the agonizing wait for it to get rigged so that I can bring it home.
My next season will start with a new ride. I decided to jump on the Covid bandwagon of buyers and ordered a new boat. Currently going through the agonizing wait for it to get rigged so that I can bring it home.
Well - what did you order? Inquiring minds want to know! thumbsup
My next season will start with a new ride. I decided to jump on the Covid bandwagon of buyers and ordered a new boat. Currently going through the agonizing wait for it to get rigged so that I can bring it home.

Congrats, since I can guess a little I'll hit on a basic or 2, 21-22', hardtop, offshore and a ton of deep pocket green. Don't know manufacturer yet. signfishin

Congrats, since I can guess a little I'll hit on a basic or 2, 21-22', hardtop, offshore and a ton of deep pocket green. Don't know manufacturer yet. signfishin

21' but I compromised a bit on the hardtop. I had enough counsel that a hardtop would cook us out of the boat so went with a permanent welded roof frame with canvas.


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21' but I compromised a bit on the hardtop. I had enough counsel that a hardtop would cook us out of the boat so went with a permanent welded roof frame with canvas.
If you want to go even cooler, you can have Brian's Canvas Products (Freeport Center West) make you a set of sunshade screen side curtains to knock down the sun heat and allow some side air flow. They were $150 a side for my buddy's 21' Hewescraft. Also, if you are buying new accessories (downriggers, sonar, etc) Hodges Marine out of Florida has some of the best prices on downriggers (sorry, no Walkers) and sonars (including Raymarine) that I've found. Almost forgot - nice looking ride. thumbsup
Thanks, Brian's will be getting a call from me for the side curtain shades as well as a bra as soon as I get my bow mount trolling motor put on. Regarding the accessories, Covid and China have screwed me over on availability. Nobody in the country seems to have downriggers, trolling motors or finders in stock. I've ordered all my components but they are on back order until only God knows when.
Very nice looking sled Dave, nothing beats going shopping at the big boys toy store and coming out feeling like a kid getting his fingers in the candy jar. 101ok101
Awesome ride Dave! That will fish real good at the gorge. Now it wants to make me go looking. congratulation !!!!
What is the power plant & kicker?

Salesman educated me a little on the difference between a Yamaha 200 and a Honda 200. Yamaha gets its 200 out of a 4 cylinder and the Honda uses a 6 cylinder. Everyone that I know told me that the displacement of a 6 cylinder would be a big advantage. Honda 9.9 for the kicker. I am currently waiting on a second set of downrigger brackets to be welded on and a stern travel cover and then I'm headed to Oregon to pick it up