Soldiers Meadow Reservoir

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Jul 10, 2023
In our search for kokanee waters, we decided to check out Soldiers Meadow Reservoir yesterday. In case you were always wondering, here is what we found. The road going in was rough - take it slow. There is a boat ramp - but no dock. There is a pit toilet - but make sure you bring toilet paper. There are camp sites that appear to be free - some have picnic tables and some have remnants of tables. None the less we jumped into the water to launch our boat - since we drove all that way! We had one kokanee hooked (nice size) and almost to the boat. Some bites while trolling but not much to bring home. There were quite a few people fishing from shore (hope they had better luck than us). Looks like a great spot to bring a canoe or kayak. On to the next lake to try to bring home a meal of kokanee!