Sullivan Lake trolling

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Sep 27, 2009
Ione, WA

This is probably overdue but I have been pretty busy these days fishing and playing golf. My oncologist hates it but the Hospice staff encourage me. Personally, I would rather go down doing something I love than withering away in an easy chair.

I started fishing Sullivan this year just a few days after the statewide opener. Had the lower unit from my Force 50hp re-sealed and impeller replaced, so it took a few days to get going.

I have been on the water 5 times so far, in advance of the campground opening. Nice to not have to pay their day use fee and I have had the lake to myself. I have taken a couple close friends a couple times and managed to catch our limits within 4 or 5 hours. I myself have limited every time I have gone out. The kokes are smallish, 6 - 9 inches, the majority being around 7 1/2 - 8, but are perfect for the smoker.

The kokanee are hitting in the 35' depth range but I can't say for sure just how deep. Surface temps ~53*-56*F. I am trolling jackaloid-type spinner string ahead of a wedding ring with maggots and shoepeg corn. A touch of anise oil adds to the attraction. Having no downriggers, I use a 3 oz. sinker ahead of the spinner string on a line-counter reel, letting out ~70 feet of line. My kicker is a late 70's Sears Ted Williams 3 horse air-cooled outboard idled down as far as I can get it and still run smooth. Speed is pretty slow but I have no way of determining exactly how slow/fast. The boat is a restored 1985 Bayliner 14' runnabout so it's fairly heavy. I would guess the speed is fine judging from our success, although handling is tougher in the wind (understatement)?

Just popped a batch of 30 out of the brine bucket into the smoker (2nd batch this year) so we'll be treating our taste buds tonight! The brine mix is Hi Country Alaskan Salmon and I'm using both alder and cherry chips in my Big Chief.

With the opening of the campgrounds this weekend, traffic on the water is going to increase, especially on the weekends. I will probably fish mostly during the week unless I have company on the weekend that want to give it a go.

For those of you familiar with Sullivan, be aware that the Noisy Creek campground boat launch has been de-commissioned and blocked with large boulders. The Sullivan East boat launch is fine but there will be more traffic.

Good fishing and bent rods to you all! Hope to see some of you either at Sullivan or at Loon when I can afford the trip.

Steve, glad to hear that you are keeping your chin up and spending time doing stuff you love. Since life offers little guarantees, we should all follow your example.

I too am proving that my Dr.s have no clue of how to go out kicking and screaming the way we came into this world but they will learn from me. God Bless Skintner, I plan on doing the same while able!!!
Steve, Thanks for sharing about Sullivan Kokes. Haven't fished there in years. I am going to PM you about taking you to Loon for some of those kokanee either day trolling or my favorite; night fishing. I too agree going out with a fishing rod in hand is better than a rocking chair. Besides fishing is good for the spirit which is good for the body! signfishin Alan