The Gorge 7-11-2009

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Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Traveled to the gorge for another one dayer this time with wife. Met Petty, Bearclaw, & Hookjaw on the road going to same place. We all launched out of Holmes Crossing. Heard the call going out to Trouble but no response. Was able to talk to Fishtail and found out he was fishing south of the pipeline with several hookups and misses. We weren't doing much good south of the ranch and off of Anvil Point. Tried north of pipeline and wife got first hookup on a nice 3.2lb koke. After a while, I picked up on a 4.11lb koke. WOW, my largest yet. Fishing still tuff but should start to see improvements soon since rains have settled. First koke caught on a RMT purple/pink dodger with a signature cotton candy squid. The big boy was caught using RMT funky frog purple passion with a signature purple haze squid downrigging at 45-50ft. Also, caught a couple of laker pups. Gusty winds came up about 2:30 and started to head back to trailer boat. When I got back to launch ramp, noticed my tackle box that had about a $100 worth of RMT squids, assassins. etc missing. I failed to secure it from on top of the dog house during windy conditions. crymeariver crymeariver crymeariver Have to start all over again.
Here's a pic of 2 kokes.


  • Flaming Gorge 7-11-2009 002.jpg
    Flaming Gorge 7-11-2009 002.jpg
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We are leaving Fresno tomorrow and hope to fish tues afternoon out of Lucerne. We are staying at the marina. Its our first time and are really looking forward to the Gorge. My brother and I will be fishing in my Baja Bay Runner (also known as the tug boat) and our fishing buddies will be in a19 ft Jetcraft. We will be there through Sat the 18th. Will try and post during our trip if I can figure out how to do it on my laptop.
Nice fish Bduck.
We are leaving Fresno tomorrow and hope to fish tues afternoon out of Lucerne. We are staying at the marina. Its our first time and are really looking forward to the Gorge. My brother and I will be fishing in my Baja Bay Runner (also known as the tug boat) and our fishing buddies will be in a19 ft Jetcraft. We will be there through Sat the 18th. Will try and post during our trip if I can figure out how to do it on my laptop.
Nice fish Bduck.
Fishing is a little tough up north of the pipeline right now and they are scattered still. However, there are some that are having success. It sounded like good hookups from south of the pipeline which is not far out of Lucerne. Tight lines TBtoad.
Nice fish Bduck! Sounds like you had a great time...thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear about the tackle box, but those things can always be replaced.thumbsup
if it wasn't for spending time with good friends i should have just stayed home. blew a trailer tire on the way homecrymeariver
Took the wife and oldest daughter wth me for a little stress relief and made the first trip of the year out of lucerne. Been fishing north since late April, but the wife likes the scenery better south. Got late start Satrday morning but was able to get the first rod in the water shortly after 6am. Wasn't able to get all four rods in the ater at once until almost 730. Hit 26 Saturday morning including what might have been a new record. Weighed in at 5.14 after being on ice 4 and a half hours. Don't ask me why I couldn't find the scale in the boat or I didn't have my camera. The daughter did get a pic with her phone camera holding it and a 4lber. the big boy is about 3 inches larger. Gave most fish to people at the dock wondering what we were doing that they were not. Nother special most fish came from 40 to 50 feet and most were on double glow pink squid beihind a RMT glow dodger. Dark skies most of the day so decided to stay away from UV. Went back out after giving the ladies a potty break at the marina to an area that I was told had not produced a fish all year. Another 4 plus before getting next rod set. Ended up with 6 more for the day before the wind blew us off and we called it for the day. Took the wife and daughter to the hub for dinner then back to the boat for a movie and some sleep. Decided that being how the pink worked so well Saturday to put that rig on all four rods for Sunday morning. Can you say rodeo. One quad, a triple and numerous doubles. Had the boat on the trailer and headed home by 7 am. Never done that before. I need a rest.thumbsup
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Can you say..."Best report all year!!?" Jeeeez...and to think all we had to do was use pink!....just kidding,...I've been waiting to see a report like that for 2 weeks now!...That's the Gorge I've been hearing about. Good job, and Thanks for sharing....Gearing up for round 2 from Calif now!.....P.S. What is a glow dodger?...RMT or other?...Just curious...but anyhoo...glad you whacked em!!!............Mike
congrats are in order

thumbsupgreat report bduck,, glad to see you broke your all time koke record, wow are those nice lookin fish.looks like you had good weather too.tongue2
thumbsupgreat report bduck,, glad to see you broke your all time koke record, wow are those nice lookin fish.looks like you had good weather too.tongue2
Hey Killer, how's it going? Weather wasn't to bad. Had a little squawl come thru and sprinkled on us. But the afternoon winds picked up on us later on. It sure drove the skiers off the lake.
if it wasn't for spending time with good friends i should have just stayed home. blew a trailer tire on the way homecrymeariver

P4L, The Gorge eats up more equipment then any place I've ever traveled too. Still the fishing holds more promise than any other Koke lake in the world! worthy12
It was to meet you and your wife BDuck. Had a great time despite the lack of success. Maybe next time the catching will be better. Lets do it again soon.

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