UV enhanced hooks

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Trolling in the deep

Active member
Jul 12, 2012
Does anyone know what the stuff is that they put on the hooks either on the shank of the hook or at the head of the hook covering the snell knot? It can be in different colors and or glow? What is it called? is it just plasticoat and where can I get some of this stuff so I can do my own hooks. Thanks everybody.
They use Crystal Flash I know it comes in glow in the dark/UV also it tied on with thread that does the same glow/ UV you can find it were they have fly tying equipement any good sporting goods after you wrap the flash with what ever color thread you like you add a small amount of krazy glue type I use Maxi-cure its a cyanoacrylate from hobbie town USA you can pick that up also on site or at a hobbie shop. HOPE THAT HELPS.
Here's the soft bead SuperD mentioned... I like the white (seem to have the best glow.) The lure and colored beads are hand painted and finished with the uv top coat in SuperD's first link.

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Thanks for all the suggestions, what I think I am actually looking for is not soft beads but something that might be put on the hook eye like putty(?) that can be formed and painted etc. and glows or has something added to it to make it glow. Thanks again.
Thanks for all the suggestions, what I think I am actually looking for is not soft beads but something that might be put on the hook eye like putty(?) that can be formed and painted etc. and glows or has something added to it to make it glow. Thanks again.

Sounds like your talking about the material Robbie from R&K uses on his hooks. That stuff is awesome! Might try searching glow glue or glow glue sticks or contacting Robbie. I've purchased his super glow stinger hooks... not sure if he sells pre-tied tandems.


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Thanks! That's exactly what I was wanting to find. At least now I know what to call the stuff and that is a great start. Thank you!

By the way do you have the web address for Robbie and or R&K I don't seem to find a site for R&K spinners.
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Thanks! That's exactly what I was wanting to find. At least now I know what to call the stuff and that is a great start. Thank you!

By the way do you have the web address for Robbie and or R&K I don't seem to find a site for R&K spinners.

I don't think Robbie has a web site... deals through Kokaneetackle.com and a few others. Shoot Fallriverguy or kokaneekid a pm... they'll know how to get ahold of him (they might even be able to help with what your looking for.) Robbie's on here once in a while... goes by HOOCHIEGUY. I believe he metioned once that he gets that glo material somewhere overseas... might be a trade secret though.
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Yeah trade secret, lol. I already sent an email to Kokaneekid fishing about it and don't really expect an answer back because it says family secret on the hooks but I think I came up with an idea if I can find some. Glow in the dark hot glue, but I wouldn't put it on the snell knot at the eye of the hook because I don't know what the heat from the hot glue would do to the fishing line, might make it brittle and fail. But on the shank of the hook it might just work. Thanks guess I have lots of time until opening weekend of fishing to figure it out.
Robbie guards his glow in the dark material. As far as I know he does not share that information. I have used fluorescent fabric paint before in a similar fashion.
Yeah, starting to figure that out. I am surprised that no one has a Youtube video on how to do such a thing. But I am thinking shaping some hot glue on the shank of the hook and then using the Glow-On paint that wrightwyoming suggested might do the trick. Thanks to everyone's suggestions, guess I will figure it out on my own eventually.
I get a lot of glow material from this company. They have great stuff.


I think if you get the powder, mix it with some epoxy, then you have what you are looking for. I have not tried this, but I have been told it works, you just have to experiment a little with the ratio of powder to epoxy.

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