Waiting for Spring!

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2008
Hi All!

Well the ice fishing season here in Ct. has been a bust for most!
Too much snow (up to 2 1/2 ft.) at times with slush under that, then 7 to 16 inches of black ice.
Terrible to get out on the ice dragging gear + wind and very cold temps.
This winter has taken all the enthusiasm out of ice fishing for many!

First hint of warmer Wx starting show but we still have to get thru March.

Looking forward to this years Koke fishing as there where a lot of 2 year old schools showing up on everyones fish finders this past fall.

Best regards,
My brother lives in Framingham ,MA and was telling me he shoveled snow off his roof.101shock1101101shock1101 Do what?I believe I'll stay down here in Western NC,besides ya'll have a lot of Yankees up therewhistlersmother
Good to see this thread starting to thaw out and hear from some of the regulars! Hoping this year will be as productive as last year at Nantahala. Ya'll Have a great 2011 season and keep us posted.
My brother lives in Framingham ,MA and was telling me he shoveled snow off his roof.101shock1101101shock1101 Do what?I believe I'll stay down here in Western NC,besides ya'll have a lot of Yankees up therewhistlersmother

Hold on There Trollmonkey!

I live in Connecticut -> That's "SOUTHERN" New England ya'll ! whistlersmother
