Wat is the best Sonar/GPS system to buy???

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Depending on the size unit you buy, going to a split screen GPS/Sonar, viewing can be a somewhat small. I have 2 separate units(Lowrance) which I'm able to comprehend with out issue. Unfortunately, electronics gets outdated as soon as you buy them. But with my GPS unit, I'm able to updated the programming within the unit & use the HotMaps programs. I'm also happy with my color fishfinder. As SuperD asks what is your budget? Nothing will be inexpensive here.
Unless you absolutely have to replace your existing sonar, I would recommend waiting. Both Lowrance & Humminbird are experimenting with new technology that is currently being beta tested. When these units come out of production, we will all be looking at buying new electronics. I don't have all the details but this is what I was sent by Lowrance.

"With the introduction of our new side and down scan capabilities in 2009 we are now exploring real time 3D fish finding technology which will revolutionize the way anglers locate fish." - Lowrance

All this having been said, you can be sure these units will not be cheap. Lowrance's new Side and Down Scan models were released prematurely before the beta testing was complete in an effort to compete with Humminbird and many of these units have had major problems.
Overall I'm happy with my current unit but I don't believe it provides the clarity (pixels), more specifically, identifying fish in the water column and structure's I need. I'm not a bass fisherman so I don't need Lowrances structure scan. As far as what I'm willing to pay; Ive been looking at Lowrance's HDS 8, slightly under $2000.00.
Thanks for the input.
Unless you absolutely have to replace your existing sonar, I would recommend waiting. Both Lowrance & Humminbird are experimenting with new technology that is currently being beta tested. When these units come out of production, we will all be looking at buying new electronics. I don't have all the details but this is what I was sent by Lowrance.

"With the introduction of our new side and down scan capabilities in 2009 we are now exploring real time 3D fish finding technology which will revolutionize the way anglers locate fish." - Lowrance

All this having been said, you can be sure these units will not be cheap. Lowrance's new Side and Down Scan models were released prematurely before the beta testing was complete in an effort to compete with Humminbird and many of these units have had major problems.
Oh man, I might have to delay my retirement for new electronics tooexcited nnnnnnotttttttt laugh hyst
Side Scan for trolling

Jim you might want to go to both the Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops sites and read some of the reviews for the HDS 8 before spending the $2,000. I was just about to front the money for one myself until I found out they were released before the beta testing was complete.

As for the structure scan and side scan I'm no bass fisherman either but I really think these units are paramount for trolling anglers. When we troll we are only covering a small portion of water with our electronics and in the shap of an inverted cone. Often times when trolling two riggers, you may notice one side produces alot better than the other even though you are running the same gear on both. This may be attributed to you just catching the very edge of a school. With the side scan you better judge if your on the edge of them or right in the middle.

The attachments illustrate this premis, note the diameter of the cone in relation to the location of the school. With standard down looking sonar you may register one fish or no fish. When in reality you only have to make a sligh adjustment in your track to go right through them. In the second attatchment you see the area you typically cover with standard sonar (denoted in Green) The Red illustrates the areas we don't see. Just something to consider.


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Overall I'm happy with my current unit but I don't believe it provides the clarity (pixels), more specifically, identifying fish in the water column and structure's I need. I'm not a bass fisherman so I don't need Lowrances structure scan. As far as what I'm willing to pay; Ive been looking at Lowrance's HDS 8, slightly under $2000.00.
Thanks for the input.

A quality transducer is probably all you need. Have you thought about adding an Airmar?
Great input guys. I will read the reviews on the HDS units. I was in Bass Pro today, on my way home to Fresno, talked to an employee who said the units they have are 2009. He didn't know when they would get the 2010's in. In reading some of the forums I saw Airmar mentioned, this is something brand new to me. SuperD, what model Airmar are you suggesting and how do I know if they're compatible with my unit?
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Great input guys. I will read the reviews on the HDS units. I was in Bass Pro today, on my way home to Fresno, talked to an employee who said the units they have are 2009. He didn't know when they would get the 2010's in. In reading some of the forums I saw Airmar mentioned, this is something brand new to me. SuperD, what model Airmar are you suggesting and how do I know if they're compatible with my unit?

The P66 is likely the model you'd want. In checking the Airmar website, it says that it is compatible with all the Lowrance LCX models. Lowrance sells a $10 transducer with all their units, whether it is a $200 FF or a $2,000 FF. The Airmar transducers are like the difference in looking with your naked eye and a pair of high power binoculars. Or another analogy is our cars that are detuned at the factory but with a new chip can put out way more horsepower.